ASMP/LA presents GET A GRIP! – part 1 of a 3 part series to help you learn the essentials of photo assisting from established photographers, photo assistants and educators. In part 1, students will learn the basics of assisting, including set etiquette, what to bring to a shoot, communicating with the photographer and how to work with various lighting systems in studio and environmental settings. Lighting, equipment and a grip truck will be provided by Samy’s Camera and SYNC.The schedule is as follows :
9am - 11am - Introduction to basic photo assisting with Scott Byrne, Pro Assistant and SYNC Associate. Scott will cover important topics including set etiquette, how to communicate with a photographer, what NOT to do, what is the job description of a second or third assistant as opposed to a first, what is grip work, what should be in your assistant kit, and what to charge when starting out. Scott's discussion will segue into the lighting demo.
10am - 12pm - Demo lighting and equipment products from various manufacturers with the leadership of Bob Ware, Photo Educator at Santa Monica College, and the pro rep from Canon. We'll be demonstrating Profoto, Broncolor, Dynalite, and Speedotron packs and heads, as well as various professional Canon bodies, the Mamiya/Leaf medium format digital kit, and several lighting accessories.
12-1pm - Lunch Break (12:30pm - Joanna Tichauer will begin setting up Art Brewer's portrait lighting set. Students are welcome to participate in set up with Joanna as a learning opportunity. Art will be using a Profoto set up with an Ellinchrome Octobank and Canon cameras, tethered with a digital tech station and capture software.
1pm - 3pm - Studio Portrait Lighting Demo and Assisting Discussion with Art Brewer, aided by Pro Assistant/Digital Tech Joanna Tichauer, using Canon, Profoto, Sekonic and Pocket Wizard products.
3 - 5pm - Outdoor/Ambient/Mixed Source Lighting Demo with Wendy Sue Lamm, assisted by students.
Instructors: Art Brewer, Wendy Sue Lamm, Scott Byrne, Joanna Tichauer, Bob Ware The cost is $75 . Click here to sign up.
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