Wednesday, June 30, 2010

LAT + Greg WIlliams

If you check out Los Angeles Times Magazine online, you'll see this "photo" of Carla Gugino. I say "photo" because it is a moving image shot by Greg WIlliams who has also done something similar for GQ when he used the RED camera to capture Megan Fox. Just click here to check out the image. This was shot for back in April 2010. Oh, here's the iPad version.
I shot the LA times story on mysterium-X and Epic cameras. Carla is seen out of character but still in the Noir genre as a gangsters moll in his dingy hideout. The accompanying story was penned by noir author Megan Abbott. Stills go in the printed magazine and motos of the same images will go in the ipad edition along with the trailer for the film and a link to buy the short film at the itunes store. It is such an exciting time in technology and the stars have really aligned for us on this one. (via)

In another blog entry, Greg mentions that in we all will be "directors in some sense or another." I think he's right.

IRIS Nights Lecture Series

IRIS Nights, the free Thursday photographer lecture series is back with a new schedule for July to September.

Today at noon, registration opens for next Thursday's lecture, Brian L. Frank: "The River and the War". Frank was awarded the 2010 Global Vision Award by POYi for "Downstream: The Death of the Colorado," and won the 2009 National Press Photographers Association’s Domestic News Picture Story for "La Guerra Mexicana." He placed second overall in the Hearst Photojournalism Championship in 2009. RSVP info here.

I noticed two LAT photographers are listed - Francine Orr (I missed her talk at Festival of Books earlier this year) and Rick Loomis.

Kurt Anderson

Well I think people are understanding, among other things, with the shake-out of the last year that nothing is a sure thing and that a truck could hit us tomorrow, a recession could happen tomorrow, God knows what will happen tomorrow. So let's really try to figure out what it is we love and gives us satisfaction and go for that because Lord knows nothing else is for sure.

Big Think w/ journalist Kurt Anderson and host of "Studio 360"

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lorena Turner "New Americas" (7/2)

Every week thousands of people from around the world gain their citizenship in the United States. In Los Angeles County, naturalization ceremonies are held twice a month when 1800 to 7000 people are given red, white and blue flags and asked to promise to uphold the Constitution of the United States. New Americans takes the opportunity of these naturalization ceremonies to photograph these people.

Not purely a photographic survey, New Americans also looks at the politics of immigration in the early 21st century from a personal perspective - through the stories of heartbreak, love, loss, and joy experienced by today's immigrants on their way towards gaining American citizenship.
- Lorena Turner

June 30, 2010 - July 24, 2010

July 2, 2010 opening reception 7-9 pm

Sylvia White Gallery
1783 East Main Street
Ventura, CA 93001

Monday, June 28, 2010

CS5 From Concept to Creation w/Stephen Burns (7/1)

Stephen Burns, the president of San DiegoPhotoshop Users Group as well as author of several Photoshop books will be giving a free seminar this Thursday about his work as part of LA Web Professionals Group July 2010 meeting. To RSVP and more info, look here.

6:30 PM - Doors Open - Registration
6:50 PM - Intro
6:55 PM - From Concept to Creation by Stephen Burns - Part 1
8:05 PM - Networking Break / Snacks will be provided / Tweetup #lawpgb
8:20 PM - Prize Drawing
8:25 PM - From Concept to Creation by Stephen Burns - Part 2
9:45 PM - Q&A

July 1, 2010 06:30 PM - 09:30 PM

1135 North Mansfield Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90038

Imaging DNA 2010 : Digital + Analog Imaging Conference (7/10-7/11)

Art Center College of Design, in association with NMC Partners, will host a gathering of leaders and innovators in imaging, technology, media and education at the first-ever Imaging DNA conference, it was announced today by Dennis Keeley, chair of Art Center’s Photography and Imaging Department, who will also moderate the two-day event.

In an environment of knowledge and practice, Imaging DNA is designed to immerse attendees in the ideas, discussion and debate around making, displaying, licensing or otherwise using an image. Imaging DNA will explore the history of photography and use it as a platform to discuss the future in order to empower photographers with critical knowledge about the changing nature of what it means to be an image-maker in the 21st century.

Topics covered include :

The State of Capture : where is it now and where is it going?

Education Challenge: how do educators keep their promise to their students

Maintaining Tradition: what role do photography traditions play today

Defining Innovation: what defines innovation?

New Screens for Photography: digital convergence and the image

Creative Challenge: Multimedia Video: why video at a photography conference?

The Image in Social Media: Social media, networks and how it’s driven

Panel: Photography in Age of Transient Media

The Final Great Debate: Traditional vs. Digital vs. Hybrid – do we have to decide?

There's a free networking party at Lomography Gallery Store over on Santa Monica Blvd with a silent auction benefitting No Strings Foundation, Fifity Crows Foundation and Art Center, Photography Imaging Dept on July 10th. RSVP required though it is free. RSVP here

The conference is $349 though if you get in before June 30th, there is an Early Bird special of $249.00. Students are only $49. To purchase, go here.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lenscratch looking for submissions

Looking for work for a 4th of July post that features your one favorite image of Americana or America (that you have taken)...I need images by June 30th 5pm, California time. Title and location, or just location and a link to your site would be great! E-mail to sooner than later! All submissions will be published.


- Ryan Schude

"Unconventionally Traditional" @ Freestyle

Last Friday at the PIX 20th, 2 different people came up to me and mention they were at the opening of "Unconventionally Traditional" @ Freestyle on Thursday night. Ah, missed it !
The Gallery at the Creative Center for Photography proudly presents Freestyle Exposed III ...Unconventionally Traditional! Dedicated to the 150 year old art form using film and traditional products, Freestyle employees demonstrate the importance of analog in the creation of contemporary works.

Exhibition runs till Sept 2nd so check it out next time you happen to be near Freestyle.

The Gallery at the
Creative Center for Photography
Freestyle Photographic Supplies
5124 Sunset Boulevard
Hollywood, CA 90027-9897

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sean Dunne "The Bowler"

Meet Rocky Salemmo. He’s a ramblin’ gamblin’ man. For the majority of his adult life Rocky has hustled bowling for a living. Here is his story. A short documentary about booze, broads and bowling. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, June 25, 2010

PIX 20th Anniversary photos

Here's a Flickr of images. PIX would like to thank Jim McCrary, one of the founders of PIX as we wouldn't be where we are today without him as well as Bob D'Amico from ABC and Mitch Haaseth from NBC for years of support and patience. Thanks to all those who drop by, have a bite and share a memory with us.

Ryan McGinley "Entrance Romance"

“I knew it was going to be wild when I signed on,” says Carolyn Murphy, who stars in Ryan McGinley’s exclusive short film Entrance Romance (it felt like a kiss). “Next thing I know, my manager is telling me that they're going to break glass on my head and my leading man's a dog. I'm like, 'That's it?' I was so sure I'd have to take my clothes off,” she says, laughing.

More from Carolyn Murphy about her experience here and to watch the short film, click here.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"June Gloom" opening reception tonight (6/24)


curated by Fritz Chesnut

John Bauer
Zoe Crosher
Justin Hansch
Zach Harris
Katie Herzog
Matt Luem
Neill Orje
Josh Peters
Brett Cody Rogers
Mary Weatherford

"June Gloom" focuses on a dark streak running through a pleasant picture. Los Angeles is plagued by this weather pattern each summer which results in cloudy, foggy mornings. It's in this quick moment before the sun burns off the clouds that we can revel in gray thoughts and wistful moods.

June 24-26

Opening reception June 24 7-9 pm

Country Club / Los Angeles
805 South Genesee Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90036-4616

Sinan Revell "disambiguations" (6/26)

The works in this show were created over the course of the last few years. They were an attempt to move beyond the smokescreens we are bombarded with on a daily basis – the media, advertising, and various propaganda – political and otherwise. But of course the more we try to see clearly, the more confounded we become. It seems that ambiguity is never removed, but always present.Sinan Revell

June 26th - July 24th

Opening reception Saturday June 26 7-11 pm

Cella Gallery
5229 Lankershim Blvd
North Hollywood CA 91601

Matthew Jordan : Your Creative Experience (6/28-6/29)

(Click to enlarge)

Matthew Jordan Smith's seminar is held next Monday & Tuesday (June 28-29) at Sheraton Gateway Hotel LAX. Full info here.

It's going to be a great evening and an incredible day on the full day. For the full day students will get to shoot one of my favorite models with makeup and hair being done by one of my top stylist. The first night is divided in four sections. Creativity, Lighting, Promotion and Secrets to Making Incredible images.

UPDATE : If you use this code "ECHU" you can get 10% off either days.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

PIX 20 Years : Michael Kirchoff

When I was asked to tell an interesting story from my PIX days I thought “ Uh, I can’t think of anything that won’t sound like some tell all book from the years of excess, with all the sex, drugs, and rock and roll.” At times it felt like you were on some sort of wild rock tour. I know, sounds weird to refer to working at a rental house like that, but then we were all young, loved working together, and were slightly crazy. But thinking about it I realize that PIX wasn’t the root of all the crazy things that happened, it was simply a venue. It was all of those insane people that came in looking for work and having their personalities explode within the confines of its doors. There has been quite the cast of characters that have been found behind the counter there. It was also the fact that from day one the people who’ve worked there have developed a camaraderie and friendship that will be a part of them for life. I don’t know that this exists at other stores of this kind, but it did also cross over to some of the folks that worked at Samy’s, Calumet, Pan Pacific (long gone), and even Freestyle. Even though there was fierce competition for business between the stores themselves, the sales and rental employees always got along great. When it came down to it, we all really cared that we were a link in the chain of a successful shoot, and it mattered to us. We may have played hard, but we worked even harder. We wanted the business to succeed and thrive because it was often like a second home to us. Seeing friends and family of the employees inside was an everyday occurrence. This of course was also in the days when we were open 24 hours, every freakin’ day! That in itself was quite extraordinary. Never being closed was most likely another reason some of the nutty things happened back then…..well, okay, it was definitely a reason.

SPD@SMASHBOX LA: Unsung Heroes of the American West

The Society of Publication Designers will have their first West Coast speaker series tonight @ Smashbox WeHo.

We're headed west, California, Los Angeles, specifically, for our next Speakeasy: UNSUNG HEROES OF THE AMERICAN WEST! Join us as 6 Art Directors and Photo Editors feature their favorite LA-based photographer or illustrator, and talk work, creativity, assignments, and more.

Cocktails at 6:30, event starts around 7m pm. Pre-orders are already done with so if you're interested in checking it out, it is $10 for SPD members and $15 for non-members.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Smashbox Studios West Hollywood
1011 North Fuller Ave
West Hollywood CA 90069


LA's 'Times Square Kiss' Nurse Has Died at 91

Edith Swain, the nurse in one of the most iconic images from World War II taken by photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt died Sunday June 20th in Los Angeles. She was 91.


Los Angeles Photo Professional Expo (6/26)

The West Coast Chapter ASPP (American Society of Picture Professional) is hosting an expo this Saturday over in Culver City. Attendees can take part in hands-on demonstrations and workshops with Samy's Camera, Hasselblad, and LiveBooks, among others.

Featured speaker attorney Greg Victoroff will be speaking on Copyright issues, and sponsor ImageRights presents their image recognition technology, along with presentations by PACASearch.

The Stylist Hub will connect producers, photographers with Hair and Makeup Artists, Food, Prop and Set Stylists.

All this will go down June 26, 2010 from 10 - 4pm @ 3619 Eastham Studios, Culver City, 90232

10:00 - Doors open
10:15 - Welcome by Michael Masterson, ASPP National President
10:30 - Our Sponsor Maria Kessler,
10:45- Greg Victoroff, Copyright attorney

11:45 - Giveaway drawing for Color Calibration from Green Leaf Color

1:00 - PACASearch Presentation from Doug Dawirs
1:30 - Digital Workflow Seminar with Barry Schwartz
4:00 - End of Expo

ASPP Members: $10 in advance ($15.00 at the door)
Sister Orgs (ASMP, APA, IDA, SAA, PACA w/ID):$10.00 in advance ($15.00 at the door)
Students (with ID): $5 in advance ($10.00 at the door)
Non-Members: $15.00 in advance ($20.00 at the door)

Register here

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"Greg Gorman: In their Youth" book signing (6/24)

This Thursday over at Book Soup, photographer Greg Gorman will be signing copies of his book "Greg Gorman: In their Youth", images of around two hundred young men such as Tom Cruise, Kevin Costner, Leonardo di Caprio and more. You can flip through a sample of the book here


Thursday June 24 7 pm

Book Soup
8818 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90069

Paccarik Orue "There Is Nothing Beautiful Around Here"

Richmond, California is a place where many families move when they can no longer afford to live in San Francisco or Oakland. In Richmond, the majority of the population is African-American or Hispanic and many residents are struggling with rising unemployment, foreclosure, poverty, and the ensuing violence and substance abuse. This situation has accentuated Richmond’s reputation for being one of the roughest parts of the Bay Area. I initially went to Richmond to explore and see what this infamous area was truly like.

During one of my early visits, a middle-aged African-American woman asked me why I was taking pictures in her neighborhood. I answered that it was beautiful. She responded, ‘There is nothing beautiful around here.’ This notion, deeply embedded in the consciousness of Richmond’s residents, triggered my interest to further explore this forlorn city. This body of work documents the hidden charm underneath Richmond’s troubles, what its residents and outsiders fail to see.
- Paccarik Orue

Monday, June 21, 2010

Groupon A&I Book Deal

I snag this when they ran this last year and used my book coupon to make a leave-behind for a client so when I found out there was another deal, I jump at the chance. You get $50's worth of just $20. This offer is a really limited offer - expires in about 6 hours. The coupon is good for a year and only one per person (*dang it*).

UPDATE : Yup, it's gone.


RT @michaelgrecco Michael Grecco Photography Hiring Studio Manager

RT @michaelgrecco Michael Grecco Photography Hiring Studio Manager

Michael Grecco Photography is seeking an experienced individual to work part time to manage the photography studio, accounts, finances and staff of 2-3 employees. Additional responsibilities include producing photography jobs, casting models, hiring of assistants, stylists, hair and make-up artists and location managers. Act as the liaison between clients, prospects and the photographer. Required Skills: Mac, Photoshop, Quicken, Filemaker Pro. Must have excellent phone, people and organizational skills. 2-3 years experience in related field recommended. Please email

Chromoskedasic Sabattier

Chromoskedasic Sabattier what ?

A technique created in the early 1990's which allows basic and rudimentary colors to be created on standard black and white paper. Chromoskedasic is a unique darkroom process that provides fun darkroom experimentation for those who like to put 'play' back into the darkroom. In a nutshell, a black and white print that has been freshly developed but not yet fixed is subjected to two mild photographic solutions, an activator and a stabilizer, while under room light. These chemicals in the presence of light will produce deep red-browns, blues, yellows, oranges, greens and even purple.

Curious to try it out ? Translight Photography Center over in the Brewery has a workshop coming up on Sunday June 27 (don't worry if you can make that date, there's another on July 25) Francesca di Leo will be your instructor.

All the details as well as other alternative process such as wet plate collodion and experimental darkroom printing are listed here. They also have a monthly boot camp for those who wanna get refresher course or those new to darkroom.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Book Project : E3

Last week E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo was in downtown LA. For those unfamiliar, E3 is THE video game trade show. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo plan their press conferences at these events and to showcase their latest products. In 2005, E3 hit their largest attendance at 70,000. It is not unusual for some of the new game releases to hit $500 million in sales on their opening week. That said, E3 is pretty much the apex of the video game industry and so journalist, developers and those involved in the industry fly in from across the globe.

Of course, I have to be there.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

John Cry "Developer Tray"

Arnold Newman's Developer Tray

Larry Fink's Developer Tray

Sylvia Plachy's Developer Tray

Many photographers, printmakers, and photographers' archivists have already discarded or thrown out their developer trays because they believed they were no longer significant or useful. Irving Penn's developer trays have been thrown away, as have those of master printer Richard Benson. I am photographing available developer trays so that the photography community will remember specific, tangible printing tools that have been a seminal part of the photographic experience for the past hundred years. By titling each tray with its owner's name, I reference the historical significance of these objects in a minimal manner that evokes thought and introspection about what images have passed through each individual tray." - John Cyr

Friday, June 18, 2010

Sonia Paulino “We Come Here All the Time : Dog Walkers of Echo Park"

Sonia Paulino's images from the series will be exhibited at Griffin Museum of Photography in Massachusetts and Soho Photo Gallery 2010 National Competition Exhibition in New York this year.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

STUSSY x RICOH GR III: Artist Project (6/17/10)

As part of its 30th Anniversary special projects, Stussy has teamed up with Ricoh to produce a co-branded GR Digital III camera. Ricoh, the Japanese electronics company founded in 1936, has previously never collaborated with a brand to offer a customized camera body in their cult-favorite GR Digital line.

Inspired by friends like Japan-based photographer Rip Zinger’s work with brand’s equipment, Stussy was impressed by the size, looks and performance of the Ricoh GR Series. For the collaborative camera, Stussy applied its inimitable handstyle logo and hits of cobalt blue to the body of the latest model, the GR Digital III.

To celebrate the Stussy x Ricoh GR Digital III release, Stussy will curate and present a photo project featuring virtual galleries of a dozen photographers that the brand has worked with or admired in its 30-year history. Expect work from friends and Stussy family including Angela Boatwright, Kenneth Cappello, Reggie Casagrande, Josh Cheuse, Atiba Jefferson, Tyrone Lebon, Ari Marcopoulos, Juan Puente, Peter Sutherland and Rip Zinger. This project will conclude with an art exhibit titled “We All….. Some Kinda Creators” at the Known Gallery in LA in June 2010.

Limited quantities of the Stussy x Ricoh camera will be produced and available for purchase through Stussy chapter stores and will retail for $980. Check 112 South La Brea Ave. 90036. They're just up the street from PIX.

Opening reception Thursday June 17, 2010 8-11 pm

Known Gallery
441 N. Fairfax Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

20 years of PIX : A Visual History

PIX had a huge collection of Polaroids on our walls in our rental dept. For every new employee we get, they get Polaroid and put on that wall. Birthday comes, and out comes the Polaroid camera. Looking through those images is a visual history of PIX and the people that work there. I thought I'll give y'all a peek of roughly 20 years of PIX. You may recognized familiar faces as well as faces you may not have seen in a decade. Some have moved on while others now work in the industry either as a photographer, rep, booking agent or numerous other positions. Through the photos you can see how PIX is like a second family to the many who come through our doors.

Thank you all for making PIX what it is for the past two decades and I hope to see y'all Friday June 25th at the birthday bash :) It is almost July so swing by, have a bratwurst and an ale on us (or if we run out, we'll have to bring in the keg)

Confessions of a Shoot with Shane Hurlbut, ASC (6/20)

Currently the LA Film Festival is in downtown this week and while I was having my breakfast, I chanced upon a copy of the schedule and noticed there's a Canon program listed. Yup, Canon presents Confessions of a Shoot with Shane Hurlbut, ASC. The event is free and runs about a hour and a half while he talks about the Canon camera and the usage for motion.
Join Shane as he discusses how the continually evolving HDSLR technology is shaping the future of film. Shane will reveal what he and his elite team learned over the past year using the Canon 5D Mark II in varied and extreme conditions on his movie project for Bandito Brothers. Also, learn how HDSLR technology is shaping the future of film. Shane will screen his newest short film "The Last Three Minutes," written and directed by LA based filmmaker Po Chan.

The event takes place at Regal 14 at LA Live in Downtown LA. Starts at 3 pm on Sunday June 20th. Free though I suggest getting there early.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Art + Photo Book Sale @ Stephen Cohen (6/17-6/18)

Besides the Taschen Warehouse Sale this weekend, there's another sale going on over at Stephen Cohen Gallery on Beverly. Expect to find books by Cindy Sherman, Robert Mapplethorpe, Larry Clark, Robert Frank, Walker Evans, Lee Friedlander, James Welling, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Daivd Byrne, Wolfgang Tillmans, Taryn Simon, Damien Hirst, Josef Sudek, Peter Hylar, Adam Fuss, Michael Kenna, Jeff Wall, Harmony Korine, and more.

11 am to 6 pm ... June 17 & 18, 2010

Stephen Cohen Gallery
7358 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA, 90036

Monday, June 14, 2010

Four Evenings with Fine Art Photographers w/Susan Anderson (6/17)

The final evening of Four Evenings with Fine Art Photographers conclude this Thursday with Susan Anderson. Susan's series "High Glitz" was just at the Kopeikin Gallery at the end of 2009 and has a book out.

The Four Evenings series was started by Aline Smithson three years ago. "I wanted to create a lecture series just for Fine Art Photographers living in Los Angeles. I had been to plenty of lectures by terrific fashion and commercial photographers, but there were very few lectures by photographers making the kind of work I wanted to know more about. "

Thursday June 17, 2010 7-8:30 pm

$15 / $10 student w/ID

933 N. Highland Ave
Hollywood, CA 90038

SPD@SMASHBOX LA: Unsung Heroes of the American West (6/23)

Yup, SPD (The Society for Publication Designers) is heading West for their SpeakEasy lecture series when they touchdown at Smashbox WeHo.
Join us as 6 Art Directors and Photo Editors feature their favorite LA-based photographer or illustrator, and talk work, creativity, assignments, and more.

Smashbox Studios, West Hollywood hosts SPD and our friends on the West Coast for an evening of fun, creativity, networking and cocktails: six Art Directors and Photo Editors have been asked to present a talented, LA-based photographer or illustrator whose work they admire -- and we're NOT revealing the artists until the night of, so rsvp after the jump!

Doors open for cocktails at 6:30. Presentations about 7:00pm. SPD members are free, all others are $10. Get ya tickets here !

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Book Project : Using YouTube

Sometimes I see viral videos numbering in the thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands but unless it's really cool or a music video, most times YouTube numbers are much, much lower.

As I am a start-up my numbers are low...really low. One of my video highest view is about 1,200

Then I discover this YouTube Channel by a gal who calls herself Nintendo Fan Girl. According to her "theme song" she enjoys being geeky and loves cosplay and Nintendo. She has over 8,000 subscribers (I have only 100) and she's been YouTubing (is that even a word ?) since 2006. Her numbers are impressive. Her top most viewed video has 33,578 views and it was only posted two months ago. Generally her numbers seems to be around 10,000.

So, I DM her and asked if I could send her a free copy of the book.

She accepted.

(Click to enlarge)

Photographer: Brad Trent
Assistant: Bo Rosero
Subject: Ron Burkle
Client: Bloomberg BusinessWeek

Found via. I've been keeping an eye on this site for the past year - mostly because I remember my days as an assistant and maybe sometimes I missed those days. Anyways, Brad Trent is one of the photographers who posts many entries to the site.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Francois Robert "Stop the Violence"

I always have been fascinated with skulls (In my home town in Switzerland, my parents and I were living above a Natural Museum)..... In the mid-90’s, during an auction from an old school, I purchased 3 metal lockers and to my surprise one of them held a real, full size articulated skeleton. For years I had it displayed in one of the rooms in my studio and I often wondered what else I could do with it. Finally the idea came to me to explore the idea of disassembling the skeleton and rearranging the bones, and from that process came the series “Stop the Violence”. I spend a lot of time on my knees arranging bones. You can imagine how my knees hurt when I decided to create a complete alphabet in order to make words along with the iconic symbols/images. - Francois Robert

… news photographers are complaining that their efforts to document the slow-motion disaster in the Gulf of Mexico are being thwarted by local and federal officials—working with BP—who are blocking access to the sites where the effects of the spill are most visible. More than a month into the disaster, a host of anecdotal evidence is emerging from reporters, photographers, and TV crews in which BP and Coast Guard officials explicitly target members of the media, restricting and denying them access to oil-covered beaches, staging areas for clean-up efforts, and even flyovers.


Photographers who have traveled to the Gulf commonly say they believe that BP has exerted more control over coverage of the spill with the cooperation of the federal government and local law enforcement. “It’s a running joke among the journalists covering the story that the words ‘Coast Guard’ affixed to any vehicle, vessel, or plane should be prefixed with ‘BP,’ ” says Charlie Varley, a Louisiana-based photographer. “It would be funny if it were not so serious.”

Newsweek "BP's Photo Blockade of the Gulf Oil Spill"

Friday, June 11, 2010

"Engaged Observers: Documentary Photography since the Sixties" @ Getty

Sebastiao Salgado

Mary Ellen Mark

The Getty Center presents “Engaged Observers: Documentary Photography Since the Sixties,” an exhibit tracing the history of published photo essays featuring work by Leonard Freed, Lauren Greenfield and others.

Starts June 29 @ The Getty

List of images

Tom M Johnson "Lakewood" exhibition postponed

Twitter follower @Sal_Jimenez88 let me know that Tom M Johnson's show may be postponed so I called up him to verify so yes, his event has been postponed with hopes it'll be in July now. More to come.

Harlan Ellison - Pay the Writer

I've seen this a few years ago and a recent conversation on Facebook sparked me to dig this out of YouTube. Take a listen.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

(l-r) Rex Weiner (A&I Books), Jeff Sheng, Astor Morgan (Chair of APA/LA) @ Smashbox Studios. June 10, 2010

Project 5: Special Reception & Fund Raiser (6/12)

Project 5 spans five years, over which five photography auctions will be held to fund five socially concerned photographic projects, each documented by a team of talented photojournalists.

The first (silent) auction was held at the Stephen Cohen Gallery on Feb. 20, 2010. On the walls hung 108 photographs reflecting 108 talented photographers. It was a wonderful night and Julia raised enough money to conclude her child labor project (the first of five in Project 5).

At the end of the night, there were 36 outstanding photographs remaining. These 36 prints will be hanging at our special reception. All framed prints will be $300 or less! (You can take your print home that night.) Julia's goal is to raise money toward year 2 of Project 5.

June 12, 2010 7-10 pm

Julia Dean Photo Workshops
801 Ocean Front Walk, Studio 8
Venice, CA 90291

Duffy : The Man Who Shot The Sixties

12:33 / 19:41 - lol !


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

PIX 20th Anniversary (6/25)

Mark down on your calendar June 25th for PIX's 20th Anniversary celebration. Yes, PIX has been kicking around for 20 years. To celebrate we invite past, current (and future) clients to come on by and have a bratwurst and a pint of PIX "20th Anniversary Ale", check out our discounted sales items and perhaps you'll win one of our hourly raffles (3 per hour x 5 = 15 chances !)

And another thing, our hours for that day will be 6 am to 7 pm instead of 6 am to 10 pm. Fun starts at 11 am. First raffle at noon.

We have Storm cases, Induro tripods and Tenba camera bags as some of the raffles. Broncolor will be here with their photo booth. Should be epic :)

See photos from the event here.

211 S. La Brea
Los Angeles CA 90036

Thursday Mixmaster

Yup, there's a host of events tomorrow for photographers so pick through and choose your event.

+ 6pm - 8 pm Denis Darzacq "Hyper" opening reception @ Kopeikin Gallery in WeHo

+ 6pm - 8 pm Henry Leutwyler "Neverland Lost" opening reception @ M+B in WeHo

+ 6pm - 8 pm Joseph Szabo "Jones Beach" opening reception @ M+B WeHo.

+ 6pm – 9 pm APA/LA Personal Projects : Jeff Sheng @ Smashbox Culver Studios. APA members free, $15/$20 door for others.

+ 7pm - 9 pm "L.A.ndscapes" opening reception @ LACDA in downtown LA. Part of Downtown Art Walk

+ 7pm - 9 pm Jeff Mclane "Exteriors" @ Spring Arts Tower in Downtown as part of Downtown Art Walk.

+ 7 pm - 9:30 pm f/Stop Camera Club meeting in Encino

+ 7pm-10 pm Debra Weiss Presents : How to get Work from Ad Agencies in Culver City

+ 7pm - midnight Fashion Is Art @ Chapman in downtown LA. Part of Downtown Art Walk.


+ Venice ArtCrawl will be starting up in Aug 2010 but there's an orientation for folks interested @The Canal Club for those interested in participating as an artist, pop-up space, sponsor or curator. 6 pm Thursday night. Info

+ 6:30 pm - 8: 00 pm Gil Garcetti "Women Water and Wells" (oops, forgotten this one. A little Twitter reminded me)

IPA : Now Accepting Submissions

The International Photography Awards conducts an annual competition for professional, non- professional, and student photographers on a global level, creating one of the most ambitious and comprehensive competitions in the photography world today.

So who are the judges ? Karen Probasco (Magnum Photo), Amber Terranova (Photo District News), Todd James (National Geographic), Kristina Hicks (Saatchi & Saatchi), Miriam Leuchter (PopPhoto Magazine), Amy Silberman (Dwell), Frank Maresca (Ricco Maresca Gallery), Melissa Ryan (The Nature Conservancy Magazine), James Reid (Wallpaper Magazine), Michael Norseng (Esquire magazine), Ashley Givens (Victoria and Albert Museum), and Hugh Merrell (Merrell Publishing)

Due date is June 30th and all the details are here.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Joseph Szabo "Jones Beach" (6/10)

After my first visit to Jones Beach in 1969 ? I was hooked. It was such a big, beautiful, expansive, beach with all those interesting people that I knew this was my summer photographic project. I didn’t realize it would last my entire life…..40 and counting. And Long Term Projects is what I’ve always done to really explore and understand my subject.

Joseph Szabo will also be signing his recent released book "Jones Beach" at the opening reception this Thursday at M+B

June 10 - Aug 14

Opening reception June 10 6-8 pm

M+B Fine Art
612 North Almont Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90069

Also on exhibition is Henry Leutwyler: Neverland Lost - A Portrait of Michael Jackson. He too will be signing his new book just released by Stendi.

Ron Galella "Smash His Camera"

I must live in LA too long. When you mention paps, I think of them hanging out at the Ivy over on Robertson or lounging in their SUVs. A few years ago I assisted a photographer who was hired by a magazine to do some portraits of paps and we went over to two picture agencies to photograph the people behind the scenes. I was standing in the garage looking at their Hummer and SUV they use to track down was eerie.

Ron Galella was one of east coast originals. He's a native New Yorker (though he studied Art Center in Pasadena) and he's been doing it so long that both Time & Vanity Fair dubbed him “the Godfather of the U.S. paparazzi culture”. Well, now he's made it to the big time with a HBO documentary that premiered yesterday but as with cable, you can catch it all month. Check HBO's listing here.
Galella is willing to take great risks to get the perfect shot. Over his nearly fifty-year career, Galella has been famously punched in the jaw by Marlon Brando in Chinatown, beaten up by Richard Burton's bodyguards in Mexico, hosed down by friends of Brigitte Bardot in Saint Tropez, had his tires slashed by Elvis Presley's security in Queens and was sued twice by Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

Oh, and the title "Smash His Camera" ? Uttered by Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Denis Darzacq "Hyper" (6/10)

You could say that this is a meditation on being and having. These photographs were taken in aggressive, garish hypermarkets, with names like Attac and King Kong. I was interested in showing bodies of young people, as if imprisoned in the aisles of consumer goods. I asked them to perform the actions that they might perform in their sporting activities or dances. At the peak of the action, I asked them to relax all their muscles at once to give the impression that they were floating or flying through the air.

The images have a political meaning, if you like. They ask questions about a society in which we are expected to define ourselves by what we have – what house, what car, what clothes, what shampoo – rather than by what we are. But they should also work at another level, as surprising and beautiful images that a child of eight could enjoy as much as a person of 80.

This Thursday, Kopeikin Gallery and De Soto Gallery have collaborated to exhibit “Hyper,” a new collection of photographs from Denis Darzacq. Opening reception is 6-8 pm.

Kopeikin Gallery
8810 Melrose Avenue
West Hollywood, CA. 90069

Interview w/Denis Darzacq

APA/LA presents Jeff Sheng's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (6/10)

Jeff's personal project, and now book, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is a collection of portraits Jeff created of some of the closeted service members serving our country. While Jeff creatively obscures the identity of his military personnel subjects, Jeff has essentially put a face on the many individuals living double lives in order to serve their country, our country. The bravery of these men and woman on the battlefield, during deployment and in front of Jeff's lens, speaks volumes of their character to take a stand against the US Military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy.

Jeff will discuss his project from idea to books and exhibit. Jeff will share images from his ongoing project and share stories from his experiences this project has awarded him. Jeff will end his presentation with a Q&A, and will have books available for signing.

This upcoming Thursday, APA/LA brings Jeff Sheng to their "Personal Project" series where they highlight personal work from photographers. Event is held at Smashbox Culver City. APA members free. All others $15 online/$20 at the door. Info and rsvp here.

June 10, 2010 6-9 pm

Smashbox Studios
8549 Higuera St
Culver City CA 90232

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lomo Is Taunting Us

June 9th @ 7 pm

Lomography Gallery/Store
7998 Santa Monica Blvd
West Hollywood, CA 90046, USA

George Mann "Bunker Hill"

Found via On Bunker Hill is George Mann, a vaudeville star of Barto & Mann who in his later years turned to photography. The photos you see are of the old Bunker Hill before it was torn down in the 50s by the city and rebuilt as high rise business buildings.
Initially a residential suburb, Bunker Hill retained its exclusive character through the end of World War I, but in the face of increased urban growth fed by an extensive streetcar system, its wealthy residents began leaving for enclaves on the west side and Pasadena. Bunker Hill's houses were increasingly sub-divided to accommodate renters. By World War II the Pasadena freeway, built to bring shoppers downtown, was taking more residents out. Additional post-war freeway construction left downtown comparatively empty of both people and services. The once-grand Victorian mansions of Bunker Hill became slum housing. (via)

Check On Bunker Hill for some more amazing photographs of days gone by.