Friday, July 15, 2011

Events This Weekend

_ S A T U R D A Y _

+ Shannon Ebner opening reception 5-7 pm @ Hammer Museum 10899 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90024. Exhibition is done in conjunction with LAXART

Los Angeles-based artist Shannon Ebner’s work investigates the correlations between photography and language. Working with photography and sculpture, she inscribes the visual grammar of photography and the signifying role of language with a distinct materiality. Informed by various modes of writing—including poetry, experimental writing, and political speech—Ebner constructs images in the studio and the landscape.

+ Alex Hoerner "Surface Tension" opening reception 5-9 pm @ Gallery 169 169 West Channel Road, Santa Monica CA 90402

+ "The Great Picture : The World’s Largest Photograph & The Legacy Project " opening reception 6-9 pm @ Sweeney Art Gallery / Culver Center of the Arts 3834 Main Street Riverside, CA 92501

UCR Sweeney Art Gallery & Culver Center of the Arts present The Great Picture: The World’s Largest Photograph & The Legacy Project, an exhibition in three parts that tells the tale of the successful campaign to make the world’s largest camera and photograph. The photo’s mammoth scale of 32 x 111 feet earned it a place in Guinness World Records, and made it a photo history landmark. On July 12, 2006, The Legacy Project unveiled the world’s largest photograph at a reception held inside the world’s largest camera. It has been exhibited only twice since then during a short viewing at Art Center College of Design, South Campus Wind Tunnel in Pasadena in 2007, and this past winter at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, China. (PDF)

+ Simone Lueck "Cuba TV" opening reception 6-8 pm @ Kopeiking Gallery 2766 S La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90034
“These sets in Cuba are different. Long umbilical cords snake off to outlets unknown. Knobs so space-age that they couldn’t have ever been functional. A green hue makes each telenovela look like it takes place aboard a submarine. None of it makes sense, it’s all impossible. These rickety old boxes Lueck discovered in plain sight look to be the secret machines powering the entire façade of Cuba.”

+ Jeffrey Milstein "Cuba on the Street" opening reception 6-8 pm @ Kopeiking Gallery 2766 S La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90034
Capturing streetscape and street life in Havana, Cienguegos, Santiago, and Trinidad, these photographs provide a rare glimpse into a place that has remained inaccessible to many in the United States.

Beneath The Sea (clip)

+ Troy Morgan "Beneath The Sea" opening reception 6-8 pm @ Blythe Projects 5797 Washington Blvd Culver City, CA 90232
Inspired largely by fairy tales, mythology and his childhood fascination with horror films, Morgan’s work explores universal human experiences – the 7 Deadly Sins and the unfolding of consciousness- and reflects how people orchestrate their own private worlds to make sense of relationships and life on the material plane.

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