Friday, May 6, 2011

Open Show #6 Open for Submission

Open Show organizes FREE social screenings of compelling work by photographers, filmmakers and multimedia producers held in high-profile spaces. Our shows give a rare chance for the public to interact directly with project creators.

Four curated presenters (from students to professionals) have 15 minutes each to show their project while the audience poses questions or provides project feedback.

Open Show Los Angeles is currently accepting submissions for their May 25, 2011 event at The Forge 2636 Huron St. Los Angeles, Ca 90065.

If you have a project you've been working on and like to test it in front of a live studio audience ^^, by all means, submit.

Full disclosure : I am one of the co-producer of this event. I thought it was wonderful to have a venue for photographers to showcase and talk about their work. I remembered a few years ago that Slideluck PotShow had a few events held in Los Angeles. It was an opportunity for photographers to break bread and look at work. Open Show has a similar feel to it though in this case, the presenter is able to take questions and have a dialogue with the audience. We like to maintain a smaller group so everyone can get a chance to meet everyone else. Everyone is invited to attend, feel free to bring a snack or a dish and enjoy an evening of photography.

When I started the blog in 2008, I wanted a chance to bring the community closer via sharing events and other topics related here in Los Angeles. When Open Show came around last Fall, it felt like the perfect fit for me to encourage and support local photographers here in Los Angeles.

The other co-producer of Open Show is Jonas Yip who by the way, has his Paris series currently at the San Diego Museum of Art (plug, plug !). So come on down May 25th, have a bite to eat and enjoy some conversations and photography.

Some of the past presenters :
Jeff Berlin
Marjorie Salvaterra
Jess Koehler
Allan Barnes
Jeff Dojillo
Larry Brownstein
David Uzzardi
David Leclerc
Quintan Ana Wikswo
Alyson Aliano
Mitch & Brittany
Michael Kirchoff
Steve Saldivar
Shawn Nee
Mark Indig

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