Monday, November 8, 2010

+ Fancy yourself the next Sartorialist ? Racked LA is looking to hire.

+ WSJ "Drones Get Ready to Fly, Unseen, Into Everyday Life" (Paparazzi takes to the skies)

+ FBNY "U.S. News & World Report Is Shutting Down Print Edition"

+ This Tuesday, LADIG event "Landscape photography in black & white: The vision and technique of Mitch Dobrowner" in Hollywood.

+ This Wed, Neal Baer will host Mash-Ups: Merging Photography with New Media for Social Change @ Venice Arts (scroll down page at link) / APA/LA "A Winning Digital Workflow with Rick Miller" in Hollywood / ASMP/LA "10 X 10 X 10" @ Santa Monica.

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