Sunday, July 4, 2010

Lauren Dukoff Giving Print/Film

Stumbled upon this while online. Lauren Dukoff is a LA-based photographer

Kodak recently sent me 40 rolls of 120 film for free. I was really excited about it until I realized that I don’t really deserve free film, YOU DO. When I was younger I used to go without food and pay for gas in pennies just so I could afford film. I would have killed for this film. Professional medium format film is becoming more expensive and rare, that is why I want to give this film to a deserving young shooter. So I have decided to have a little contest. Send me your best image shot on film and I will send you my gift from Kodak and print of mine ( you may choose any image on my website).


Winner will receive 20 rolls of Kodak Portra 400NC 120, 20 rolls of Kodak Portra 800 120 and a print of mine, your choosing.

Open to deserving, young photographers that work with film - 25 and younger.

Please send submissions to: ( Files may not be larger than 1MB)

Include your name and the address you would like the film and print sent to

The winner will be announced in the diary section of my website on July 16th 2010

Good luck, can’t wait to see your work!


Lauren Dukoff interview


  1. Curious as to why you limit the age to a max of 25? Limits seem... well limited. Just wonder why, especially with peeps who still shoot film. Shouldn't we all be allowed in?

  2. Yeah, I had the same thoughts.

    Nice age discrimination!
