Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Nicholas Grider "Soldiers and a Sailor" (7/11)

The work that comprises Soldiers and a Sailor consist of two bodies of portraits of US military service members. The first series, titled simply Soldiers, will feature a grid of portraits of members of the 484th Division US Army Band based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The portraits are deliberately very simple head and shoulders images at near-life size, raising questions about the nature of the uniform and the idea of uniformity and allowing viewers to explore the wall of portraits for both the similarities and differences between the soldiers pictured.

The second set of portraits, nearly the opposite of Soldiers in terms of their scope, is called A Sailor and consists of portraits of my father taken by fellow sailors while he served in the Navy during the Korean War. (My father died when I was young and I never had the chance to discuss his military service with him.) These small black and white portraits, overlaid with the text written on the back of the originals, allow room for a loose narrative of what life during wartime must have been like for my father sixty years ago and provide a historical counterpoint to the full-color, up-close contemporary portraits of what the military looks like in 2010.

July 11th - August 29th

opening reception July 11, 2010 2-4 pm

Angels Gate Cultural Center
3601 South Gaffey St
San Pedro, CA 90731

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