Monday, October 25, 2010

Pictures Of My Mother

My mother always took great care in putting herself together, even when sightseeing on a hot summer day. My parents attended a dinner on this trip and I remember her dressing in a beautiful emerald green cocktail dress with long silk gloves. Years later, my mother would still talk about this dinner party. But it was not about the exotic, delicious food that was served, or the beautiful home the party took place in. What my mother remarked on was the fact that all the wives on guest list, with the exception of herself, worked—one in politics, one in medicine, and another, a professor.

My mother never realized her dream of having a career, and I often wondered if my father somehow stood in her way. But, as much as it made it easier to think that was true, there is too much evidence to the contrary. For instance, the next time my parents traveled to our nation’s capital —a business trip for my father and one of the last trips my mother and father would take as a married couple. They returned with a gift which my father had picked out himself, and found great joy in giving to me. It was a pink t-shirt with gleaming gold letters that read: “A Woman’s Place is in the House. And in the Senate.”

I wonder if it was my mother who somehow got in the way of herself. - kkisthnewblack

I stumbled upon this tumblr called "Pictures of My Mother" where folks are encouraged to send in photos and memories of their mothers. I'm sure like me, you'll find yourself lost in there for a while.....

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