Wednesday, February 25, 2009

PIX CHAT : Christine Caldwell, manager @ Translight Photography Center

A few months ago, I got an email from Translight, a black/white rental facility over near Downtown announcing new name and new owner. I decided to email Christine, the manager to ask about the new change.

PIX : Hey Christine, so I got an email from y'all of your new change over at Translight but before we get into that, can you tell me a bit about Translight - what you guys offer, how long y'all been around, just some background on Translight.

CHRISTINE : Translight Photography Center (aka: Translight Colors, TLC, & TPC) is primarily a Color & B/W Darkroom Rental Lab. We provide darkroom space for photographers who want to make enlargements from their Color & B/W negatives. We also have a Epson 9800 Digital Printer, which is self service and prints up to 44 inches wide. Translight Colors was originally founded in the mid 1990's by Mehran Mohamodi, Don Tovar, and Bob Engal the management team at Art Center College of Design's Photography Lab.

PIX : Oh, I didn't realized that y'all had some connections to Art Center folks. Now there's been a change in management so are any of the original founders still with Translight ? And who is the new owner of TransLight now ?

CHRISTINE : Translight was originally built and designed for Art Center Students and Alumni. The original owners are kind of still involved, some more than others. Don Tovar is our all around fix-it GOD and Business Consultant. He pracitally built this place when we moved from our Montrose location. He fixes and services the RA Machine and all the Enlargers. Mehran is more of a business consultant now. We lost touch with Bob Engal a couple years back. New owner, Michael Gotz has been a loyal customer for the past few years. He purchased it from Mehran about a month ago.

PIX : Ahh... so what new changes are you guys doing over there besides the new name change to Translight Center ?

CHRISTINE : First, we have constructed a new Private B/W Darkroom which will be unavailing during TPC's Open House on February 28th 12-7pm. Customers will have a chance to spread out in the private darkroom with choices of a day, week, or month rental. Second, TPC will be transforming into a Gallery space. Our first exhibition will be a staff show with a opening reception during our Open House. Our next show will be The Brewery Artwalk on April 18 & 19. We are planning to accept submissions and display our customers work. Third, TPC will be offering Photography workshops. Our first classes will be in Basic B/W Printing and Color Enlarging. I plan on doing more classes in alternative processes like Platinum Palladium & salt prints as well as some digital courses. We are currently surveying our customers as to what they type of classes they want.

PIX : Oh, great, open house ! I'll be sure to put this on our event calendar and come by to check it out. So if someone has suggestions, should I have them contact you via ? And finally, what tell me about yourself. How long have you worked there ? And I know you do your own work right so can you describe that too ?

CHRISTINE : Any suggestions or questions please email at or you can call the lab. I'm here just about everyday. :)

I have been working for Tranlight since the beginning. I miss those days when I could walk 2 blocks from my apartment in South Pasdena to work. :) I started out as a lab tech working a few hours a week so I could help pay rent when my commercial photography business was slow. Since then I have been promoted to General Manager and my work is predominantly Fine Art. This new body of work is called Illuminated Negatives. They are all photograms of leaves and flowers on Type-C prints. If you want to view my online website, please visit I will have work on displayed at the Open House as well.

PIX : Ah, so you've seen the change with the digital revolution. What's your feeling about that in relations to darkroom now days ?

CHRISTINE : I am a die-hard darkroom girl though but I do like the continence of the digital world. Personally and professionally I'm got my foot in both worlds and I like having the option. My entry into the digital era was a little harsh at first. I was a poor Freelancer for The Pasadena Star Newspaper and I had to provide my own camera equipment. I am amazed at the new technologies and love to use them but I feel like I am an advocate and guardian for the traditional darkroom processes.

PIX : Okay thanks, I'll catch you at the open house !

So the open house is this Saturday from noon to 7 pm. Complete address listed below.They're over at the Brewery, close to that restaurant in the complex. If you walk out the door of TPC and look to your left, you will see the restaurant.

I did get another email from Christine yesterday announcing some special offers :

Dear TPC Customers,

Special Offers for Film & Digital users:

Have you always wanted to try out our digital printer ?
Well here is your chance, Harman Technology (Ilford Digital Paper Division) graciously donated their new Professional Photo Crystaljet Luster RC Paper to TPC. During this Saturdays’s Open House TPC will be giving away ONE FREE 8.5x11 digital print per customer. So bring in your USB Flash Memory Stick or CD and try out the new digital paper and get your feet wet with the Epson 9800 Printer. Supplies are limited and this offer is good this Saturday only, so don't hesitate.

Weblink to more info about Harman and their Products

Go to Samy's Camera next time you need to buy a box of B/W or RA4 (minimum 50 sheet box) and receive a coupon for your next visit to TPC. Print for a minimum of two hours and receive the first HOUR for FREE. The TPC Coupon is offered at the Pasadena, Hollywood, and Culver City Locations Only.

Translight Photography Center
618 Moulton Ave Ste E
Los Angeles, CA 90031

OPEN HOUSE this Saturday 28th from noon to 7 pm

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