Friday, June 3, 2011

Review Santa Fe Day 2

Today is the first day of reviews - Session A lasted from 10 am to 3 pm.

Meanwhile outside waiting photographers would be sharing their work

Later on was a panel discussion "Making an Impression : growing Professional Relationships Beyond the Portfolio Reviews" hosted by Mary Virginia Swanson with panelist Jessie Wender, associate picture editor of The New Yorker, Jennifer Lippert, editorial director of Princeton Architectural Press, Debra Klomp Ching of Klomp Ching Gallery and Laura Addison of New Mexico Museum of Art. All shared stories of their process and often at times, they may conflict each other in method of contact but then again, it was great to hear perspective from four different sources - editorial, museum, gallery, and publisher.

Afterwards is the portfolio review open to the public.

And yes, it is true, Santa Fe is at a higher elevation so drink plenty of water

My collection of cards

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