Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Review Santa Fe : Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, the question is : was it worth it ? I have to say yes and no.

Let me explain the "no" part. By the time I came to Santa Fe, I had a completed book already available in select stores and on Amazon. I would have definitely benefited from the experience more if I had done the review last year. At the same time, I've gain valuable insight on how to better do the next book. Another aspect is I've been working on getting this book to a mainstream audience and not specifically a photography audience. Although there is a mix of galleries, museums and editorials, I feel this event would be much better appreciated by photographers working in fine art or documentary field. My work is slightly outside of those genres so I believe my experience was a bit different.

That is not to say I didn't come away without anything. I listen to all my reviewers. Over the course of 9 reviews, patterns emerged - there were a few that contradicted each other but that is normal. Everyone had their own perspective. I was torn down by a few but I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing - I've been working in my own world and it is appreciated to hear viewpoints from reviewers who have a wealth more perspective of the scene as a whole. I believe it'll take a few days to digest and I'll start adapting some ideas while discarding others.

The photographers I met here were amazing. I admit, at one point I wonder, how did I ever get into this group ? The lobby area was filled with photographers chatting and showing their work to each other as they waited for the session to begin. I didn't partake in that as much as the review process is more exhausting than I imagine it to be so I retreated to my hotel room to clear my head.

Suggestions for those coming : do get a room at the hotel. It is simple to get away to jot down some thoughts (or if like me, like to take a quick cat nap). Also note that Santa Fe isn't that large of a town. The walk from the hotel to photo-eye gallery is about 15 minutes (looks much further on a map). Also it does get very loud in the room so if you are bringing a recording device - better test it out...say in a restaurant environment first. It might also be helpful to come a day early as despite just flying one time zone I felt more tired than usual. One of the reviewer I knew from Los Angeles told me later I looked exhausted the first day. Los Angeles is about 300 ft above sea level. Santa Fe is at 7,000 ft. In fact one of the handouts they give you addresses the sea level changes and possible symptoms such as headaches, tiredness, trouble sleeping, shortness of breath. They also mention that one alcoholic drink here can equal 2 to 3 at sea level so drink cautiously ! You don't want to get tipsy and say something you later regret to the reviewer at the party.

Final thoughts : I believe reviews are worth it. Do research reviews beforehand. Review Santa Fe is a juried event while others are (I believe) are open. From this event, PhotoFest, Photo NOLA, Photolucida. were spoken most often by photographers. All in all, my first experience at a review event was a positive one and wouldn't hesitate to recommend to others. I plan on attending future reviews but with a different set of work.

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