Friday, September 17, 2010

APA/LA - Maria Piscopo "Taking Charge Of What You Charge" (9/22)

When I found out Maria Piscopo was to speak in Los Angeles next week, I googled around to see if i could find any video of her seminar. This one called " Because You're Worth it" was done on July 2010 for an illustrator conference here in Los Angeles. Yes it is slightly geared toward illustrators but it definitely applies to photography too. The video will give you an idea of what she'll be talking about next Wednesday at Miauhaus Studios.

Maria will teach you how to help your clients make the right choice, hiring you, by presenting them with proposals instead of prices. You will learn skills and techniques to better communicate as a creative professional on a business level and techniques to keep your fears from overcoming good business sense.

+ Help the client hire you
+ How to get the price you want
+ Considerations for negotiation
+ Verbal estimates that win the job
+ Preparing job-getting cost proposal

This session will give you an unbeatable edge over your competition. It will help you become more comfortable and confident when quoting jobs and help you get more of the jobs you quote. This session applies to all levels of experience and includes specific techniques you can put to work immediately. Whether you have been in business two years or twenty years, getting paid what you want is an important issue in today’s marketplace. Maria brings this program to you from her rep experience and her new book, 4th edition Photographer’s Guide to Marketing and Self- Promotion.

Wednesday Sept 22, 2010
6-9pm Dinner Included

1201 S. La Brea Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90019

The cost is FREE for APA members. $20/$25 (door) for non-members.



  1. IF! you have not had the privelage of hearing her, do so, it is worth the time and money, you are investing in your future!

  2. Maria is a wonderful speaker with some great advice. Do yourself a favor and go! You will not be disappointed.
