Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rick Nahmias "Golden States of Grace" (10/2)

"I am of the firm belief that every one of us carries within us something that is marginalized, some trait or piece of personal history that has been (or that we wish would be) left behind or cast off -- the malformed foot, the embarrassing immigrant heritage, the emotional scars left by an abusive, alcoholic mother. It is this concept (compounded by an allegiance to Jung's theory of the collective unconscious) that has led me to conclude that those whom society has cast off as "them" are, in reality, "us," and which drove the creation of my newest body of work, Golden States of Grace: Prayers of the Disinherited." - Rick Nahmias

On Saturday, Oct. 2, Rick Nahmias will be having a book launch celebration, book signing and fundraiser for the anti-hunger group Food Forward. This event runs from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. over at UCLA's Religious Conference, 900 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024. Fifty percent of the each softcover book and 10% of hardcover editions sold on this day will go directly to Food Forward. Free and open to the public. Requires an RSVP to 818-530-4125.

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