Saturday, April 9, 2011

Road to Review Santa Fe 2011 (Pt. 1)

(photo : Justine Reyes)

A few weeks ago, I received an email from Review Santa Fe alerting me my project was on a waiting list. Oh cool, I thought. I actually made it closer to the Review and promptly forgot about it. With at least 100 other folks on the waiting list, my chances could easily be none. And I suppose years of working in photography where jobs can suddenly disappear, I learn not to count on anything until confirmation.

Then I got accepted.

I was flabbergasted to say the least. I've never pursued a fine art career. If you look at my history, you'll see working at PIX, photo assistant and photographer. If you looked at my CV, it lists only one show in 2009 - where a friend ran a small bookstore/gallery in downtown Los Angeles and gave me space. At that time, it seems to be the calm before the storm. After that show, I started traveling to conventions to photograph for my project. I self-financed printing of the book in Shanghai via means of credit cards and bank loans. I figured if Kevin Smith can make his first movie on loans, credit cards and donations, then I can easily make a book.

Boy, was I wrong (but that's for another story....)

In 2010 I started traveling to promote the book through grass roots means as well as using social media which definitely help put me on the map for the market I was in. I'm currently still traveling but this year bringing my photo set-up to continue to take photos. In Jan. 2011, I attended photo LA and checked out Review LA's portfolio review open to the public. On a suggestion of a volunteer, I decided to submit Review Santa Fe. Fast forward 2 months and now I stand here looking at the acceptance email.

For years, I've heard of portfolio review events as well as the comments from those for and against paying for a review. My last portfolio review was in a college in 1997 and I doubt that counts. For Review Santa Fe, I figured I'll give it a shot. And as my friend Monica told me, it is an opportunity that I should take advantage of.

For the next two months leading up to the Review in June 2011, I'll be keeping y'all up to date with my experiences and what I'm doing to prepare and I hope some of y'all out there will find the information useful. Dang, this is gonna be a wild ride :)

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