Sunday, February 6, 2011

Custom-Tabs on Facebook Fan Pages

I still call them Fan Pages. Calling them a Like Page just doesn't sound right to me. *shrug* I recently discovered you can add custom tabs to your Fan Page. For PIX, I added a Catalog, Delivery and Ebay tab. I figured if you make it easy for people to find and access, the better it is.

So for photographers, I can definitely see a usage for adding your own (simple) gallery, news tab or whatever you like. You can even create your own "welcome" page on your Fan Page so incoming visitors will land on that tab. Here's an example of Tennessee photographer Jenn Cady.

You'll need to have some idea of HTML but if I can do it (I have no real coding skills), then it can't be that difficult. Most of the tabs are simple HTML and text. There are 3rd party apps you can get. For example, for YouTube you can use Involver's free apps. There is a facebook app listing on Facebook showing all the applications they have.

All this requires a bit of Googling and digging around but it'll take a few hours and you'll keep your fans occupied a bit longer on your page. I have yet found a decent photo gallery setup though PhotoShelter has a SlideShow tab on their Fan Page.

1 comment:

  1. Check this application of that Facebook feature : :

    We like it, too!
