Thursday, February 10, 2011

Maya Goded "Las Olvidadas : The Forgotten Women"

The Witches of the North

The Disappeared Women of Juarez

The Prostitutes of La Merced

This exhibition brings together three major bodies of work by Maya Goded work that is both reportage and profoundly personal. While critiquing the invisibility of women in contemporary Mexican society, the work also empathizes with its subjects, and even celebrates them, in these stark non-judgmental portraits. These are women who live their lives beneath the radar, unacknowledged and unprotected by the dominant culture. They are invisible women who exist in the shadows in Mexico, but emerge into the light through Goded's images. The prostitutes of La Merced, whom Goded identifies as being "On the Other Side," the disappeared women of Juarez ("Nobody Heard them Scream") and the curanderas and healers who are the witches of the north in "The Land of the Witches" comprise three bodies of work that, taken together, form a chronicle from a journey Goded took over a period of a decade.

Currently at UCR/California Museum of Photography until April 16, 2011.

UCR/California Museum of Art
3824 Main St
Riverside, CA 92501

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