Thursday, February 3, 2011

Open Show Los Angeles #3

Last night, Open Show Los Angeles had their third event at Art Works Studio in CUlver City where four photographers were there to give 15 minute presentations of their work. I personally had work there and had a chance to meet and talk to the other three photographers. David Uzzardi photographed tourists at the Empire State Building for over 3 months using a twin reflex camera shooting two rolls a day. Jeff Dojillo followed with his passionate images of "The Romance of Mourning" - some beautiful images captured in the moment. Larry Brownstein's street photography of Hollywood Blvd brings to mind how life can really be captured at 1/16 of a second. Especially when you have Marilyn Monroe and Wonder Woman on the Blvd. I spoke about my own personal project and how it came about. In all it was a great night - a chance to meet other photographers and hey, I sold a few books to boot !

Good times and thanks for showing up !

Larry, Me, Jeff and David

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