Monday, December 14, 2009

Larry Sultan (1946-2009)

(from his "Pictures from Home" series about his parents)

(from his book The Valley)

"L.A. light, that kind of foggy, smoggy, soft light, I miss that. I miss that. Light's too hard where I live, it's hard to work in it. The character of light means a lot to me. It's how I begin to photograph, it's usually with the light."


"All the photographs raise the issue of voyeurism—it’s unavoidable. I mean, no one believes in photographs, right? We’re much too sophisticated. Yet, in fact, we do. There’s always a photograph that will wound us still, that will, as you said, make us feel something painful or embarrassing. It’s because of the intimacy of photographs. The collaborative work I have done, and still do, with Mike Mandel, has been mostly about media and advertising and is presented on billboards. There was something missing from that work for me. And it is this notion of how we function or don’t function on a daily level. My daily issues are about family and relationship, success, failure, and disappointment. And the everyday was the site for this work. And I wanted to approach it with tenderness, rather than with dismissal."

New York Times orbt

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