Friday, May 29, 2009

Okay my face is red....two Art Walks is THIS Sat (5/30)

Both Art Walks I mention for last week turned out to be for this weekend ! My bad. So if you happen to miss it last weekend, well, uh, take two !

Miracle Mile Art Walk

Wilshire Boulevard between Fairfax and La Brea is not only home to several major museums, but also to a litany of LA's best-known galleries. Some (but not all) of the galleries in the area schedule openings on selected Saturdays; today's highlights include husband and wife James Panozzo (Lawrence Asher Gallery) and Merry Karnowsky holding it down at either end of La Brea with a pair of fresh exhibitions. And, especially for the May edition, LACMA Muse has organized a full day and evening of expanded programs that includes the Page, Peterson, and Craft and Folk Art museuems offering free admission; art and music performances at the Page Museum's lawn and LACMA's grand entrance; and a New Orleans-themed late-night afterparty at the El Rey, featuring Vaud & the Villains.

All the fine info available here.

Culver City Art Walk

The Culver City Gallery District is home to scores of galleries, packed into a few square blocks along Washington Boulevard. La Cienega between Venice and Washington is thick with A-list, international operations like Kim Light, Honor Fraser, Walter Maciel, LAXART, Blum & Poe, George Billis, and Taylor de Cordoba, recently joined by the relocated Cherry & Martin. And, of course, Washington to the west offers Kinsey/DesForges, Corey Helford, Le Basse Projects, and dozens of other destinations. It may sound like a lot of places to hit in a day, but first-rate bars and restaurants dot the route to help break it up; of special note are art-world favorites Wilson (dinner), Mandrake (drinks), and Royal/T (dessert).

Info available here.

(via FlavorPill)

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