Monday, May 4, 2009

Photo Assistant Promo Cards

I've seen enough assistant cards and flyers to last me a lifetime and this one caught my eye. First off, it says photo assistant. I have a pet peeve about cards that say photographer and are assisting...I know it is a small detail but for some reason if the card says photo assistant, I tend to give it better rank. Sounds stupid but I feel that way. Second, there's a clean image of the person. I've seen assistant cards with their work. I think it is just better to have a photo of yourself...besides they're hiring you as an assistant, not shooter. Third, I like how she has quotes from other photographers which I think is a great idea and I personally haven't seen before in an assistant's card. Fourth, it is an easy read "5"9 of solid yoga muscle" and "strength of an assistant with the mind of a producer". Shows character. I've seen enough flyers that just lists equipment and doesn't tell anything about the person. I think showing a bit of yourself is an extra benefit that may lead photographers to call you.

Kudos Gina !

(You can click on the image to zoom in)

Oh by the way, we have an area near our entrance where folks are free to leave flyers and cards so feel free to drop things off here.

1 comment:

  1. Wearing a pack like that will cause injury... she should adjust it.

    Good card though.
