Wednesday, December 8, 2010

APA/LA "Holiday Party"

Checked out the APA/LA Holiday Bash last night and definitely had an awesome time ! For those of y'all in the photo biz here in Los Angeles, you've seen Joe Frank Carollo if you've ever walked to Samy's rental counter. I met Joe close to a decade ago when I was assisting. He and Kerry were over at the Samy's Venice location. When Venice closed, Joe and Kerry moved to Samy's Hollywood. Never in the past decade did I know that he was a musician, sings the blues and had a #1 Billboard Hot 100 hit "Falling in Love" back in 1975 with his group Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds ! Mad respect to Papa Joe ! Props to his band, the World Famous Assistants - I counted three OTMFC and one Gitzo t-shirt in the band.

Just for kicks, I found their song on YouTube...

Anyways, saw David Zentz , John Gibbel , Dennis Dunbar, Daniel Bergeron, Michael Kirchoff among the crowd and had a chance to catch up with a few folks at the bar. Thanks to APA/LA for throwing this !

Okay folks, this week, I'll be out over at Smashbox Face/Off party on Thursday, then be swapping prints over at the ASMP/LA + LADIG Holiday Party and Print Swap next Tuesday in Culver City.


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