Saturday, April 4, 2009

Thomas Sanders “The Faces of World War II”

Read with interest an interview over at Feature Shoot about this local fellow by the name of Thomas Sanders who has been documenting WWII vets for the past three years.

Love the images and love the project. I feel as time goes by, memories become faded and it is important document those we don't want to forget for us and the future. I talk to a friend of mine who was raised in Los Angeles and when we travel these streets she has stories - there used to be a great punk rock store here or that was a great club that doesn't exist anymore.

This reminds me of an exhibit of Ed Ruscha's I saw a few years back called "Then and Now" where Ed had taken photos of Hollywood Blvd back in the 1970s and again in the early 2000s. You see the changes. Some buildings are there, others aren't. Some cars look "classic", some look like just another Honda Civic. As we live our lives day to day we don't see the changes.

I'm starting to realize I need to document my own personal life. Not just the birthdays and tradition times but more of the mundane. I wish I had more photos of my first apartment in Denton. I wish I had photos of my friends from college. I wish had more photos of Houston back in the 70s. I like to relook at what the world is and was with a set of different eyes and mind.

I picked the photo above because of the look on his face, his pose and the fact that he is holding the flag of my home, that ain't the Texas flag but the Taiwan flag. :)


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