Thursday, April 23, 2009

"To move forward in photography you need a truly firm belief in yourself and your abilities. You are creating something from nothing in an industry that has no obvious or direct path to success. A healthy ego will give you the confidence to “con” a client into believing you can do a job that is way over your head. Successfully delivering a job that is way over your head advances you to the next rung on the ladder. This all seems simple until you remember that creative folks like us are notoriously insecure.

The only way to infuse yourself with the confidence necessary to navigate the photo world’s rivers of advancement is to shoot, shoot, and shoot some more. Take two photographers, each with equal knowledge and natural skill. The one that has shot the most will always win. They’ve done it. They’ve clicked the shutter a thousand more times and solved a thousand more problems in their head."

- Lou Lesko

(Via Resolve)

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