Saturday, February 6, 2010

ASMP/SD "Poppin' Pixels: Exploring HDR" (2/18) *San Diego*

Learn about the photography technique that is capturing the imagination of photographers everywhere. Applied carefully,High Dynamic Range (HDR) imagery can create incredibly beautiful pictures which blur our sense of the difference between reality and illusion. Learn a set of techniques that allow a far greater dynamic range of exposures than normal digital imaging techniques to create both "natural" and "painterly" images.

In this workshop you will learn:

+ What is HDR?
+ Exposing for HDR
+ Merging and Tone Mapping
+ Software Options & Post Processing Tips
+ Flash Merging & Architectural Tricks

Holly Nelson-Kramer, owner of Spitting Images, is a proud sponsor of ASMP San Diego. Holly specializes in digital imaging for photography, print, and web design for numerous advertising agencies and photographers worldwide. Her retouching work has been lauded by many ASMP members, and she designed and established the ASMP-SD newsletter many of you receive each month. She is also an instructor for Sterling Ledet & Associates who specialize in real-world, hands-on training.

Members and students' admission is $10 if pre-registered / $15 at door
Non-members' admissionis $15 if pre-registered / $20 at door

Thursday Feb. 18, 2010 6:30 pm

San Diego Photo District
11717 Sorrento Valley Rd,
San Diego CA 92121

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