Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Birthday 20th Photoshop !

Yup, twenty years later ! There's a video over on Adobe where the creators of Photoshop - Thomas Knoll, John Knoll, Steve Guttman, and Russell Brown come together to discuss the evolution of Photoshop. Hear stories of the many names such as Image Pro, Display, PhotoLab and Imaginator.

I also found an interview with John Knoll done by Robert Scoble about a month back. I definitely remember working on the Apple IIe and IIcs....and my first computer was an Apple IIgs where the memory was 256 KB ! My first photo image software was Deluxe Photo. I believe I got into Photoshop while in college - at that time is was Photoshop 5.5.

Congrats Photoshop ! Just one more year and you can drink :)

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