Friday, January 8, 2010

APA/LA "Video Production Workshop" (1/16)

A unique opportunity to attend an all day workshop with Lee White will prepare you to produce stills and video together. It will be an in-depth presentation/demonstration of video production along with photography.

The Saturday subjects will include:
- The importance of workflow including recording formats
- Estimating and planning combined photography and video shoots
- Understanding lighting, filming and sound techniques for video
- Camera, lighting and grip equipment demonstrations
- Editing demonstrations

FREE SOFTWARE: SmartSound will give each attendee a free copy of their Sonicfire Pro 5 software along with free royalty-free music.

More giveaways from LaCie and Hoodman.

The latest equipment and software by Apple, Panasonic, Zeiss, SmartSound, Redrock Micro, Beachtek, LaCie, Marshall Electronics and Hoodman among others will be demonstrated at the event.

How much: $149.95 APA members 10% discount.
To sign up or to see more details visit: LA video workshop.

Saturday Jan 16, 2010 10am-5pm

Helms Daylight Studio
3221 Hutchin Ave. #E
Los Angeles, CA 90034

INFO (Scroll to the middle)

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