Monday, January 11, 2010

PIX CLICKS : Women Photographers / Polaroid Show / Scott Rhea

There were about 7 different photo events going on in LA last Saturday night so I made list of about 3 to try to hit. I headed out around 7:40 with a few friends to check out some openings and took my point & shoot with me.

On my list : "Put Your Finger On The Button : Women Photographers" @ New Image Art Gallery in Fairfax, ISM "Instant Gratification" Polaroid Show @ Copro Gallery in Santa Monica and Scott Rhea "An Inevitable Consequence" @ Cella Gallery in North Hollywood. First stop, Fairfax District with gallery-goers spilling out into the streets.

Agh, I couldn't help it ! The contrast of the image with the girl texting says it all.

Jeaneen Lund, one of the photographers exhibiting.

Alma Carmina Márquez was another photographer on exhibit

Around 8:40 I realized I had to get over to Santa Monica for the ISM show in Bergamot Station. Zip down the 10, hit up a very packed parking lot- looks like three other galleries were having an opening the same night so parking was pretty bad. We finally got a space and spend a few minutes trying to find where Copro Gallery was located. What I should have done was listen for the music. I remember reading that ISM was to have live bands.

I heard that Daily Candy mention the ISM's "Instant Gratification : A Polaroid Show" on their site. One of the ISM folks told me over 2,000 people RSVP and scores more showed up as you can tell from the photo above ^^ They were just overwhelm by the turnout - they had not expected this many people at all. I got there around 9:20-ish and waited about 20-30 minutes to get in. There was live music outside plus one of those "mobile restaurant" truck out there feeding hungry folks.

I recognized one of PIX's clients listed up there. I took in as much as I could since this exhibition was one-night only. When I finally looked at the time, it was already 10:10 and I had to get over to Cella Gallery in North Hollywood for Scott Rhea's opening. So me and my friends hopped in the car and boogie from Santa Monica, up the 405, down the 101 over to the NoHo Art District.

Finally reached Cella Gallery around 10:40-ish righ before their 11 pm closing.

Scott Rhea along with Cella Gallery owner Shannon Holmes

Great to see Scott again - I assisted with him on a few catalog jobs about 6 or 7 years (?) ago or as I like to call it B.D (Before Digital). We had a chance to catch up and chat about the old days ^^

Shannon I had the pleasure for meeting as I've posted events from her gallery before and was very flattered she recognized the blog.

If you go upstairs, there's a slideshow of behind the scene photos from the shoot itself up in Simi Valley (I believe). You can also see some of the behind the scene shots on his website too.

Night kept going as a friend of a friend was having a birthday party down in Woodland Hills but that's another story. photoLA hits Los Angeles next week so I plan to get out there depending on my schedule. I'll definitely try to hit up the Review LA portfolio night as well as check out photoLA. See y'all out in Santa Monica !

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