Saturday, January 16, 2010

PIX CLICKS : photoLA (1/15)

Ran into Aline Smithson at photoLA - wonderful as we've been trying to meet each other for a better part of a year ! Both she and I know many of the same folks, I'm surprised I didn't run into her sooner ^^. I love her ring ! We were introduced by Christine Caldwell, the manager of Translight Photography Center - the black/white & color darkroom + digital lab over in the Brewery.

I love the fact that MOLAA (Museum of Latin American Art) set up a preview exhibition at the photoLA.

Uh..... no idea why these were sitting on the floor. One thing I noticed was how less crowded it was but was informed that Saturday was the bigger day. The last few years I would come on Sunday that were pretty packed. I saw many LA-based galleries here - Fahey/Klein, Stephen Cohen, and DNJ among the others. Oh, and check out 21st Editions - their books are crazy !

Around 5 pm, headed over to the Review LA's public portfolio viewing where there was a chance to see the work of many of the photographers who signed up for the review. Recognized a few names, surprised to see Michael Kirchoff there ! He's one of the ex-PIX folks from the mid-90s. My boss told me once that sooner or later everyone goes through PIX. lol !

I saw Jamey Stillings' "The Bridge at Hoover Dam" series - work in progress - very impressed. Had to see it really appreciate it. Other folks whose I work I enjoyed was Tait Simpson and Rainer Hosch. Shoulda taken some photos but got distracted talking to the photographers.

Wanted to come back on Saturday to check out more work but have a shooting gig. I'm gonna try to make it to the A Photographer's Fling , a chance for fine art photographers community to meet. 9 pm to midnight @ Double Tree Suites - a hotel right across the street from photoLA.

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