Wednesday, January 20, 2010

In the Wake of Progress: An Evening with Edward Burtynsky (1/28)

How's this for coincidence ? I recently found out about Edward Burtynsky via a 2006 documentary called "Manufactured Landscape" that I found on Netflix. Then at Hennessey Ingalls, I picked up a book called "Edward Burtynsky: Oil". Today I find out Mr. Burtynsky will be in SoCal at USC to give a talk about his work. It is free and I don't see any RSVP info on the USC page so assuming first come, first serve.

Edward Burtynsky is one of Canada’s most respected photographers. His remarkable photographic depictions of global industrial landscapes are included in the collections of over 50 museums around the world, including the National Gallery of Canada, the Bibliotèque Nationale in Paris and the Museum of Modern Art and the Guggenheim Museum in New York. Burtynsky’s numerous distinctions include the TED Prize, the Outreach Award at the Rencontres d’Arles, three honorary doctorate degrees and Canada’s highest civil honor: officer of the order of Canada. Burtynsky takes us around the world in photographs, revealing places rarely seen. An advocate for sustainable living practices, he makes beautiful yet terrifying images that illustrate a vital discussion about the colossal effects of economic and industrial growth upon our planet.

Thursday, January 28, 2010 : 7:00pm

Gin D. Wong FAIA Conference Center/Auditorium (Harris Hall 101)
823-29 Exposition Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90089-1142


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