Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Glamorous Life of a Traveling Photographer

When I was assisting, I used to travel for my gigs sometimes. No I wasn't as a high flyer as Mark Seliger's assistants but I did my fair share of traveling. This would be the film days where rolls of film would have to be hand-checked and inspectors would hold up one and gazed upon a 120 roll as "what is this ?". I learn quickly to strip 120/220 from their packages and pool them into a zip lock bag to speed through. Flying out of LAX to Florida, Arizona or Canada or even a quick flight up to San Francisco and my friends would say "That's great ! You get to see different cities and places !"


I see the airport, rental car place, the freeway, the hotel, the location we're shooting at, dinner, hotel, airport. Once in a while I would actually get out - once in Calgary I checked out the local clubs but that's pretty dang rare. For the most case, you don't see much. And as the assistant, you're constantly counting number of luggage, watching equipment, assisting, the usual stuff. It ain't bad but it can wear you out.

Today, I rolled by Andrew Hetherington blog and chanced upon his "A Week in the Life" series where he has taken photos of his days - all you see is airport, luggage claim, rental cars, location, hotels, the USA Today at your door , that sort of stuff. My favorite being Day 4. There's just photos and a time frame along with some notes. Hilarious to me as I have days like that.

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