Friday, June 26, 2009

Hugh Kretschmer reception (6/27)

"There's something tactile about the results I get that cannot be easily accomplished through digital manipulation. Everything is preplanned up front. A program such as Photoshop is just like an X-acto knife, not something that dictates the way an image is conceived."

Today I had the privilege of getting a chance to see Kretschmer's work being readied for exhibition over at The ICON. The curators and the head of the ICON's Fine Art Dept where busy setting up and getting the photographs prepared for the Saturday night. I've seen Hugh's work over the years - either from Communication Arts or PDN Annuals. I think of him more of an illustrator that happens to work as a photographer. In many ways, it reminds me of some of Dan Winter's work. The thing that impresses me is how much is real world vs. computers. He tries to keep it as in-camera as much as possible. If you get a chance, go to the opening and ask how he did some of the images - you'll be amazed.

The opening reception is Saturday June 27 6-9 pm

Clark/Oshin Gallery @ The Icon
5450 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90036

+ Photo Insider interview w/Hugh Kretschmer

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