Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bruce Weber - Gone Fishing : A Little Journey in my Backyard

On August 20th, the Sundance Channel will be premiering Weber's latest short "Liberty City is Like Paris To Me" on their website before airing on TV on Aug 28th. Along with the film will be a collection of images from his Liberty City series. August is also Bruce Weber month on Sundance as they show his shorts every Thursday.

The first one is next Thursday August 13th : Let's Get Lost (1988) , a film about Chet Baker. I was lucky to catch this at the New Beverly Cinema a few years back where Bruce himself made an appearance. Highly enjoyable. 10 PM PST

Other films :

Aug 20th Chop Suey (2001) 10 pm PST
Aug 27th Backyard Movie (1991) 10 pm PST
Aug 27th Gentle Giants (1995) 10:10 pm PST
Aug 27th The Teddy Boys of the Edwardian Drape Society (1996) 10:25 pm PST
Aug 28th Wine & Cupcake (2007) 12:00 am PST
Aug 28th Liberty City is Like Paris To Me (2009) 12:00 am PST

I'm confused over the last two film's showtimes. Wine & Cupcakes is about 12 minutes so perhaps they meant Liberty City to start at 12:15 ???

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