Sunday, August 16, 2009

PIX CLICKS "APA/LA : Beauty Retouching Secrets with Lisa Carney and Dennis Dunbar" (8/15)

I'm a bit behind on photoshop - I still run the old CS and truthfully, I rather be photographing than sitting in front of my computer but I decided to check out the APA/LA Beauty Retouching Secrets with Lisa Carney and Dennis Dunbar seminar which they had yesterday on Saturday from 9:30 - 3:30. Speaking were Lisa Carney and Dennis Dunbar. They both took turns speaking about their methods of retouching. Enjoyed this format better as it allows them more time to go over their process. With 6 hours, this gave each speaker about 2-2.5 hrs to speak minus breaks and lunch.

(The Hat Squad : Lee Varis & Jim McHugh)

(Lisa Carney giving me the "ol' stink eye" as she calls it)

(Astor Morgan was the host)

(During the break, Lisa answers questions)

(During the break, Dennis answers questions)

(Lisa Carney & Dennis Dunbar)

I definitely picked up some pointers as it's great to have someone working in the industry give you the straight dirt on what works and doesn't work though they both mention that there are multiple ways of getting to the same spot and the method they are showing are what works best for them.

Some folks had the foresight to bring their laptops which I wish I had done but I also realized I think I need to take a class as I'm more of a hands on guy than just listening to taking down notes but I did walk away with some pointers.

Oh, also noticed that the APA is offering a 25% discount for joining if you do so before August 31st. You can find that info here. APA/LA has some more events coming up so just get on their email list to get up to date info on what's going.

Also interesting to note that before the start, they asked the audience how they heard of the event. I would say most if not all had heard via their email blast. Fewer heard via Facebook and as for Twitter, just about 5 people I think raised their hands.

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