Thursday, August 20, 2009


:: Wow, great interview with Matt Mendelsohn... I love what he says :

No offense, so much of multimedia seems to be stories about skateboarders hanging out at the skate park. It looks good on video, but there's no story there, if you know what I mean. The story is the most important thing and too many newspapers are abandoning good stories for things that they think one demographic or another wants. I would love to help more photographers be better storytellers, not through gadgetry but through developing stories. An HD video camera looks good but it doesn't guarantee anything. I'd pick the endurance of the human spirit over a multimedia video clip about skateboarders any day of the week.

Read his story "The Lessons of Lindsay" here.

+ What ? There's a Canon G11 ? Didn't the G9 just come out ?

+ Wanna take a trip through time ? A Flickr member posts photos of San Francisco 1941 taken by her father. Nice ! My dad has taken many Kodachrome slides of the 60s and 70s in Chicago and Missouri but have no idea where it is today. :(

+ On Twitter, found a local Los Angeles Photoshop Meetup group. I understand tonight there's an event ""PHOTOSHOP MEETS CGI" Presented by WALT JONES. You'll need to sign up to get info for where and when.

+ Photographer Neil Krug + model Joni Harbeck + expired Polaroid film = Pulp Art Book

+ Yet another Polaroid note, Urban Outfitters + Impossible Project will release a limited edition 700 hand-numbered Polaroid kits. You get one pack of Polaroid Instant Film along with the Polaroid ONE600 Classic, the last Polaroid produced. Hits the stores Aug 21st.

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