Thursday, August 6, 2009


+ What ? This new Nikon CoolPix S1000PJ can project images ? Hmnm...curious how the resolution looks on this...

+ Oh, tonight, the David Burnett talk at Annenberg Space for Photography that is fully booked ? You still might have a chance. Small number of seats will be released 15 minutes before 6:30 pm. First come, first served. And also tonight Christy Rogers' "Siren" opening reception over at A&I Hollywood 7 - 10 pm.

+ Remember LACMA killing off their film program ? Looks like the public's not taking it. There's a Save LACMA Film Facebook page as well as well as a online petition. And in response, two days ago, LACMA has set up an online forum where folks are free to post questions and suggestions.

+ This started last week, but from July 31-Aug 20th it is DocuWeek LA 2009 @ Arclight in Hollywood. They'll be screening 18 feature length documentaries along with shorter pieces. There's some photo-related films in there. Rock Prophecies documents music photographer Robert Knight and there's a twist to this genre of "photographer bio" films and Salt which follows photo-artist Murray Fredricks' adventure to photograph the Lake Eyre, South Australia. I know it sounds simple but watch the trailer in the link. Check the festival's site. I guarantee you'll find films of interest !

+ I knew Getty has a blog but I didn't know they also do podcasts ! Most if not all related to photojournalists in the field. Perhaps this weekend, I'll go through it while I'm editing images....

+ Looks like Brady's got his hands full. The man behind the new Broadway & Fashion Walk in downtown LA posted on his blog earlier this week that there's been an overwhelming response to the new walks even before a website or press releases made. When I talk to Brady a few weeks back, he mention this new walk and looks like this should be an interesting event ! In another post he gives more details and get this, he's calling on steampunks ! That is kinda cool. Steampunk movement has always been underground but to hear someone like Brady encouraging them to the walk is ... well, unheard of !

"...first, we are looking for any steampunk - or any other alternative clothing life-style - designers and dealers who would like to showcase their goods during Fashion Walk. We are also looking for unique entertainers to participate in our Broadway Walk. So if you are interested, contact Brady Westwater at...."

The Broadway Walk and Fashion Walk will run concurrently on Aug 20th 5:30 - 10 pm....will post more info once their site is up.

::: LINKAGE :::

+ Nikon ViewNX updated to support D300s, other new cameras
+ Interview with title sequence designer Karen Fong of Imaginary Forces.
+ Annie Lennox Mashup (9 songs mashed together)
+ Interior Photos of a Russian B-413

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