(Photos from The Wet-Plate Collodion Process workshop with Allan Barnes from previous workshop)
For those who don't know, Translight Photography Center is located over at The Brewery just north of downtown. They offer b/w & color darkroom rental as well as a large format printing and scanning. I posted an interview with Christine, the manager of the center back in Feb. here.
They have a couple of workshops coming up. Some are done in conjunction with Julia Dean Photo Workshops (just look for code in the description. If there is one, it is through Julia Dean). There's other b/w classes available also - just check Translight's upcoming classes listing.

The Wet Plate Collodion Workshop
INSTRUCTOR: Allan Barnes
DATE: 2 Session(s) Sat, Sun 11am-4pm, October 31st - November 1st
code: ALT-WPC-Oct
CLASS FEE: $245.00
There is much conversation today about the changes in photographic technology, but these changes are nothing new. In efforts to advance photography in the mid-19th century, Fredrick Scott Archer, an English sculptor and photographer, experimented with collodion in the hope of producing a photographic negative on ordinary glass plates. This process was perfected in 1851. The Wet-Plate Collodion Process replaced the first dominant form of popular photography, the Daguerrotype. There were three phases of this technology: The Ambrotype, (a glass positive) The Ferrotype, (or Tintype) and the Glass Negative. Eventually, the dry-plate process replaced the wet-plate process. Then along came George Eastman and gelatin film, which made photography accessible to the masses.
In this hands-on workshop, participants will use vintage cameras to explore the craftsmanship of coating their own glass and metal plates to make a photograph, using the three sub-fields of WPC. First, we delve briefly into the history of this process and its revival. Then students will be trained in the coating of a photographic plate, exposure, development and preservation of the plate. Participants will also be provided with the information needed to purchase their own WPC equipment. Chemistry, media and cameras will be provided. Participants should come to the workshop with aprons and work clothing (materials are not overly toxic but can easily stain clothing). Students will be required to pay $85 to Translight Photography Center (TPC) for use of the facility. Upon completion of the class, all students will receive a free one-month membership to TPC, which includes a 25% discount off the regular darkroom rental rates.
This one class is done through Julia Dean here.

Instructor: Francesca di Leo
Dates/Times: Sundays, Nov 8, 15, 22, & Dec 6 from 11am-2:30pm (14hrs total)
Workshop Fee: $200 + $140 lab fee
Lith printing is a process that uses a lithographic two part developer in a very dilute solution to obtain color and texture from a black and white paper. Different papers have different qualities in Lith printing, ranging in color from warm sepias to salmon and even olive tones. Other papers have very little color shift, achieving beautiful textures instead, giving the print a texturally graphic quality.
In this four week workshop, students will explore the world of Lith printing and a whole new way to express themselves artistically. Attendees will learn how to “expose for the highlights and develop for the shadows”, which is the basic principle in Lith printing. The last day of the workshop will involve toning previously printed Lith prints to really evoke a mood and bring greater depth to the image. All students who attend this class should have a basic knowledge of traditional black in white printing.

Platinum/Palladium and Cyanotype Alternative Processes Workshop
DATE: Sat 11am-2pm, October 31 - December 12
No class 11/28
code: ALT-PP-Oct
CLASS FEE: $335.00 Plus $100 Lab Fee
This six-week workshop offers students hands-on experience in print making using both processes. Students will learn how to choose the best negative contrast, and how to coat, expose, and process his or her paper or fabric. Since both techniques are contact printing processes and require negatives the same size as the desired print, there will be a demonstration of traditional darkroom techniques for making enlarged negatives, as well as a discussion of making negatives digitally using ink jet printers. This highly experimental workshop will provide participants with a basic understanding of the platinum/palladium and cyanotype mediums and the ability to use each in order to add new spice to their images.
This one class is done through Julia Dean here.
618-E Moulton Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90031
Is this the same Norma Smith I use to know in New Orleans, la. if so could you please get back with me.....I use to play guitar with Lindsay Brown and Davis Smith back in the early 1970's