Saturday, October 24, 2009

ASMP/LA "Creating Opportunity" (11/5)

Creating Opportunities: Seeing What Is / Imagining What Can Be

In difficult times, creative vision is the key to economic survival.

Dick Durrance, a photographer whose career reaches back to the Vietnam War and includes everything from shooting for National Geographic to global advertising campaigns, will talk about how to use your creativity to survive in an economically challenging world.

Durrance gave the closing keynote address to the ASMP National Leadership Conference this year - about this same stuff - and received a standing ovation.

He'll be talking about:

- It doesn't matter what your gift is, what matters is what you do with your gift.

- Creativity without craftsmanship is like a million times zero. It equals zero.

- If you reach out to other people, you invite them to reach back in return. In that connection, you discover the understanding and opportunities that arise when you work freely with the people around you. Make that connection and magical things can happen.

- If you create opportunities for your community, your organization, and yourself, you honor the gift of life.

- By stretching your imagination, you can see what is and imagine what can be.

With a little prompting, he might even talk about his wide-ranging career, including his three books, his time as an All-American skier, and his award-winning golf-course photos - beautiful even if you don't golf.

If you check out his website, he has videos of what he talks about in his lectures.

ASMP Members - (+ Writers Boot Camp members) $10(advance) $15(door)
Students (with ID ) - $5(advance) $10(door)
Affiliate Organization Members - $15(advance) $20(door)
Non-Members: $20(advance) - $25(door)

Thursday November 5th 7pm (Doors 6:30 pm)

Writers Boot Camp
Bergamot Station Arts Center
2525 Michigan Ave., Bldg. i
Santa Monica, CA 90404

To RSVP go here.

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