Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday (10/6)

+ I'm making some changes to the PIX Feed blog here. In order to make it easier to find stuff, I've decided to start keywording dates so you can easily click and see all the events for that day. I'll try to upload all the events as fast as I can.

Because of this, I'll probably phase out the "Events This Week" post I usually do on Wednesdays...haven't totally decided yet.

+ Oh, don't forget that the deadline for Jen Beckman's "Hey Hot Shot !" is Friday, October 23rd, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. EDT. So ya got a few weeks, better get cracking ! The photo competition is open to all levels of photography. I've been meaning to but my time is occupied with a personal project right now. Maybe next time.

+ Here's another photo competition -> American Photo "Image of the Year" competition due October 12th.

+ Tomorrow (Wednesday Oct 7), Peter Fetterman Gallery over in Santa Monica opens two exhibits : "Lillian Bassman : Women" and "Faces of Fashion". Their hours are 11 am - 6 pm Tuesday - Saturday.

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