Friday, October 30, 2009

PIX CLICKS : Matthew Rolston @ Art Center (10/29)

First things first, I was surprised when I drove up to Art Center to see so many folks there ! I've been to some of these events before but never was it as packed as this one ! The evening began with a presentation of some of his images that are in his new book BeautyLight. He talked about where and how he started and showed some videos of his work set to music. One thing I was surprised to hear him speak about was on the RED camera and on the stills and video coming together. This was the last thing I expected to hear from him and only solidifies that the game has indeed changed.

He had some advice for the Art Center students to do what you love and to follow that love instead of "shoulds" as in "I should do this, I should do that". He also mentions assisting as one of the best ways to learn about the industry and to pick the photographers carefully AND to pick the city carefully also ! If you want to do fashion, New York, Paris or London. Makes perfect sense to me. Sometimes I wish I moved to NY in my 20s but my reasons for LA was simple. 1) It was warm. I'm from the South - don't like cold weather ! 2) I had one friend there whom I could crash with. The rest is history.

In all, it was great to finally hear from the man whose many images I've admired.

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