Saturday, October 10, 2009

How to be Creative....

Does the name Hugh MacLeod mean anything ? What if I told you he did those cartoons on the back of business cards some years ago ? Well, he has some ideas on how to be creative. Maybe you're like me that sometimes I want my brain to kick in and be creative but all I do is stare at the walls. I read Hugh's "How to be Creative" a while back and today happen upon it in my bookmark. I bookmark tons of sites and sometimes, I go back to clean them out. I thought I'll post up a link again.

Here's the first 10 he listed. He does go into details on each one. He has about 40 of these.

1. Ignore everybody.
2. The idea doesn’t have to be big. It just has to be yours.
3. Put the hours in.
4. If your biz plan depends on you suddenly being “discovered” by some big shot, your plan will probably fail.
5. You are responsible for your own experience.
6. Ever yone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kin­dergarten.
7. Keep your day job.
8. Companies that squelch creativity can no longer compete with com­panies that champion creativity.
9. Every body has their own private Mount Everest they were put on this earth to climb.
10. The more talented some body is, the less they need the props.

Telling people “how to be creative” is a bit silly, when you think about it. Generally, peo­ple either are or they aren’t. When I wrote HTBC (How to be Creative) , I certainly wasn’t trying to slip into some sort of New-Age, “Unleash-The-Fire-Within-You-Creativity-Guru” schtick. All I was thinking about was a short, practical, real-world list of advice that would come in handy to somebody say, 10 – 20 years younger than me, somebody with the same “creative bug” I had when I was just starting out in the world. I was just trying pass along some valua­ble, pain-saving lessons to the next generation that I had learned along the way. No more, no less. - Hugh MacLeod

Just go to the site and download the PDF and for expanded version, there is his book that just came out in June '09 called "Ignore Everybody: and 39 Other Keys to Creativity " Also go check out his site, the Gaping Void.

Perhaps it'll shake up that snow globe of yours and you'll see something new this time.

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