On December 5th, the TRUE Downtown Arts District will open the doors of cafés, galleries, performance venues, and 40 studios (and counting) in the first of a new Open Studio Tour series. Orchestrated by artist/ curator Lilli Muller and the help of Qathryn Brehm, Jericho Woggon, Edgar Varela of EVFA Gallery, Martha Mitchell and Sia Aryai the events are somewhat of a revival.
The self-guided tour will include lofts (821 Traction Ave; the Toy Factory and more), private galleries as EVFA Gallery, Tarryn & Theresa Gallery and ADC Gallery and many of the areas well-known restaurants as Metropol, Zip Fusion, e3rd and Wurstkuche.
Bordered by Alameda on the west, the Los Angeles River on the east, Temple on the North and 7th Street on the South, the parameters are contiguous enough that a shuttle will make rounds on the quarter-hour.
Saturday December 12th Noon - 7 pm
Monday, November 30, 2009
Seeing in Color: Photographs from the Stephen White Collection II

Stephen White’s Collection numbers thousands of images covering the history of photography. For this exhibition works have been selected that survey photographic color processes used from the middle of the 19th century to the present day, including such techniques as hand-tinting, autochrome, tricolor carbro, and dye transfer. The subjects represented in the photographs include portraits of the famous, landscapes, and large abstractions.
November 4 - December 17, 2009
Los Angeles Valley College - Art Building
5800 Fulton Avenue
Valley Glen. CA 91401
Art Gallery Hours: M-Th 11 am - 2 pm & 6 - 9 pm
LA Times review
New Changes at Translight Photo Center
Y'all know Translight don'tcha ? It's the black & white/color darkroom rental over at the Brewery - they also have a self-served Epson 9800 which I've used a few times before. They sent out a mass email - I'm just gonna highlight the changes going on over there :
New Hours of Operations
Based on our analysis of facility usage over the past eleven months, we have identified these days and hours as the most popular. This reduction in hours represents a significant salary cut to our staff, but we feel strongly that cutting expenses is as necessary as increasing revenues.
Monday Closed ***
Tuesday Noon- 9pm
Wednesday Noon-10pm
Thursday Noon- 9pm
Friday Closed ***
Saturday 11am- 9pm
Sunday 11am- 6pm
NOTE: Classes/Workshops can be scheduled for any dates or times.
*** Minimum Commitments for Special Arrangements [Assuming Staff Availability]:
Entire B/W Group Room-4 Hours Color Darkroom-6 Hours
Digital Printer-$150.00 Digital Scanner-4 Hours
The required minimum commitment is to be pre-paid at the time of scheduling. Overages will be collected on the day of service. No cancellations or refunds for these special arrangements.
Cancellation Policy
TPC has been experiencing a reservation cancellation rate of over 50% this past year which has a strong negative impact on staffing and operational expenses. As a result, we feel reluctantly compelled to implement this policy.
> $25.00 charge for all cancelled reservations scheduled for regular business hours.
> Reservations cancelled by 2pm PST on the day prior to the reservation will incur NO cancellation charge. Cancellation by Phone Only [No Emails or Text]. Customer can leave a voice message [fyi: TPC’s messages are time-stamped and saved at the phone company’s messaging service].
> The cancellation fee will be collected prior to any subsequent service.
NOTE: We continue to strongly recommend customers make reservations in advance. If there are no reservations for a particular day, it is highly likely that TPC may not open in order to reduce expenses.
New Rates [Effective Tuesday 12/1/2009]
TPC will be offering a quarterly membership for $90/quarter [3 months]. The monthly member rate of $35/month is discontinued [Existing memberships will be honored through their end dates]. This new membership level will continue to give its’ holders a 25% discount off darkroom rates and additionally a 20% discount on the Nikon Film Scanner.
Color Darkroom Rental Non-Member $23.00/hour
Color Darkroom Rental Member $17.00/hour
B/W Darkroom Rental Non-Member $16.00/hour
B/W Darkroom Rental Member $12.00/hour
B/W 20 x 24 Rate Non-Member $23.00/hour
B/W 20 x 24 Rate Member $17.00/hour
[One Hour Minimum usage and 15 minute increments thereafter]
Press Mount $20.00/hour [No Change] No minimum usage. 1⁄4 hour increments.
Epson 9800 Digital Printer [Self-Service] TPC Paper $10/sq. Ft.
Epson 9800 Digital Printer [Self-Service] Cust. Paper $9/sq. Ft.
Standard Size Examples: 11x14 16x20 20x24 30x40
TPC’s Paper $21.00 $30.00 $37.00 $60.00
Customer’s Paper $19.00 $27.00 $33.00 $53.00
Nikon Coolscan 9000 ED Film Scanner Drop-Off Service [No Change]
Nikon Coolscan 9000 ED Film Scanner [Non-Member] [Self-Service] $25/hr.
Nikon Coolscan 9000 ED Film Scanner [Member] [Self-Service] $20/hr.
[One hour minimum. 1⁄4 hour increments]
This goes into effect on December 1, 2009
New Hours of Operations
Based on our analysis of facility usage over the past eleven months, we have identified these days and hours as the most popular. This reduction in hours represents a significant salary cut to our staff, but we feel strongly that cutting expenses is as necessary as increasing revenues.
Monday Closed ***
Tuesday Noon- 9pm
Wednesday Noon-10pm
Thursday Noon- 9pm
Friday Closed ***
Saturday 11am- 9pm
Sunday 11am- 6pm
NOTE: Classes/Workshops can be scheduled for any dates or times.
*** Minimum Commitments for Special Arrangements [Assuming Staff Availability]:
Entire B/W Group Room-4 Hours Color Darkroom-6 Hours
Digital Printer-$150.00 Digital Scanner-4 Hours
The required minimum commitment is to be pre-paid at the time of scheduling. Overages will be collected on the day of service. No cancellations or refunds for these special arrangements.
Cancellation Policy
TPC has been experiencing a reservation cancellation rate of over 50% this past year which has a strong negative impact on staffing and operational expenses. As a result, we feel reluctantly compelled to implement this policy.
> $25.00 charge for all cancelled reservations scheduled for regular business hours.
> Reservations cancelled by 2pm PST on the day prior to the reservation will incur NO cancellation charge. Cancellation by Phone Only [No Emails or Text]. Customer can leave a voice message [fyi: TPC’s messages are time-stamped and saved at the phone company’s messaging service].
> The cancellation fee will be collected prior to any subsequent service.
NOTE: We continue to strongly recommend customers make reservations in advance. If there are no reservations for a particular day, it is highly likely that TPC may not open in order to reduce expenses.
New Rates [Effective Tuesday 12/1/2009]
TPC will be offering a quarterly membership for $90/quarter [3 months]. The monthly member rate of $35/month is discontinued [Existing memberships will be honored through their end dates]. This new membership level will continue to give its’ holders a 25% discount off darkroom rates and additionally a 20% discount on the Nikon Film Scanner.
Color Darkroom Rental Non-Member $23.00/hour
Color Darkroom Rental Member $17.00/hour
B/W Darkroom Rental Non-Member $16.00/hour
B/W Darkroom Rental Member $12.00/hour
B/W 20 x 24 Rate Non-Member $23.00/hour
B/W 20 x 24 Rate Member $17.00/hour
[One Hour Minimum usage and 15 minute increments thereafter]
Press Mount $20.00/hour [No Change] No minimum usage. 1⁄4 hour increments.
Epson 9800 Digital Printer [Self-Service] TPC Paper $10/sq. Ft.
Epson 9800 Digital Printer [Self-Service] Cust. Paper $9/sq. Ft.
Standard Size Examples: 11x14 16x20 20x24 30x40
TPC’s Paper $21.00 $30.00 $37.00 $60.00
Customer’s Paper $19.00 $27.00 $33.00 $53.00
Nikon Coolscan 9000 ED Film Scanner Drop-Off Service [No Change]
Nikon Coolscan 9000 ED Film Scanner [Non-Member] [Self-Service] $25/hr.
Nikon Coolscan 9000 ED Film Scanner [Member] [Self-Service] $20/hr.
[One hour minimum. 1⁄4 hour increments]
This goes into effect on December 1, 2009
Monday (11/30) Linkage

+ What ? Aerial performers in the Beverly Center ? A total of 60 performances are planned. hmmm..I think I might head down there just to check this out ^^
+ In November, the ASPP (American Association of Picture Professionals) had a panal discussion "Ready for Reinvention" up in San Francisco. They posted up MP3 links of the discussion. Audio is a bit difficult at parts.
+ LA Times reviews Noah Sheldon @ Cherry and Martin. Noah's opening reception was a few weeks ago. The show is up till Dec 12th.
+ Guerrilla '5 North' sign replaced
+ The City of Brea Art Gallery has a call for entries for "Made in California".
+ Seriously, Livebook's blog Resolve is getting better and better.
+ Nikon updates Capture NX2, Camera Control Pro
+ The Photographic Dictionary
+ 5 Star Wars Status Updates
+ I have no words for this video.....
PIX CLICKS - Mark Edward Harris "The Way of the Japanese Bath" @ Kopeikin (11/28)
When I first heard of that Mark Edward Harris was doing a book signing a few months back at Samy's I was puzzled. His book "The Way of the Japanese Bath" had came out early this decade. At the opening Mark explained that the new edition has 80 more pages and has a different format than the first edition which was more of a slipcase variety. Definitely go check it out since the images you find online just don't convey the same feeling as standing there.
Marks' work was in the far room at Kopeikin Gallery so I walked through Susan Anderson's "High Glitz" which is still up until December 24th.
You can purchase the book over at Kopeikin or over at Amazon.com which retails for $35 bucks.
The exhibition runs till Dec 24th also.
Kopeikin Gallery
8810 Melrose Avenue
West Hollywood, CA. 90069
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Renée Jacobs Book Signing + Calendar Release (12/5/09)

While at Kopeikin Gallery this weekend, I met briefly Renée Jacobs who happen to have a book signing and calendar launch party at A&I Hollywood next week (December 5 7-10 pm). She'll be debuting and signing her new book called "Amoureux" and also releasing her new calendar "Provocateur : Women 2010".
Free to attend, complimentary food, cash bar. Please RSVP to events@aandi.com.
Saturday December 5, 2009 7-10 pm
A&I Hollywood
933 N. Highland Ave
Los Angeles CA 90038
Andrew Grant "Rover" (12/5)

Awwwww, who's a good boy ! You are !
An unusual turn of events over at Book Soup. On Dec.5 from 11 am - 3 pm, Andrew Grant is doing a CASTING CALL for his next dog book. Casting call, not a book signing....yet held at a book store :) I can imagine the lines of dogs of all shapes and sizes waiting to outside :)
San Diego-based photographer Andrew Grant's latest book Rover will be available for sale and 10% of the sale goes to pet shelters, rescues and related causes.
Saturday December 5, 2009 11 am - 3 pm
Book Soup
8818 Sunset Blvd.
W. Hollywood CA 90069
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Matthew Porter "High Lonesome" (12/12)

The exhibition contains 18 photographs, varying in size and sometimes clustered together in a seemingly inchoate mass. But two themes persist: the American West and the Hindenburg. The show is an attempt at historical mash-up, bringing together romantic imagery of cowboys and zeppelins. Both subjects are iconic, yet their reputations have been soured by facts, as history overtakes myth. The Hindenburg, which began its life as the fountainhead of German creative and entrepreneurial vision, ended in a fiery death under the dark shroud of Nazi propaganda. As a romantic symbol it has been spoiled, much like the history of the American West—you can’t watch The Searchers without being aware of the racism.
While not a direct narrative, the fictional meeting of a cowboy and the Hindenburg after peripatetic wanderings through the desert has the familiar ring of cheap science fiction. Dinosaurs didn’t share the planet with cavemen, but their fictional conflict has been featured in a variety of media. This absurd collision is represented in the cornerstone piece Farewell, Promised Land, a photograph of a few shelves in a personal library; the shelf containing WWII nonfiction bleeds into the shelf containing Western history, while the entire rack is peppered with fiction.
Saturday December 12, 2009 opening reception 7-9 pm
Exhibition runs till Jan 23, 2010
612 North Almont Drive
Los Angeles, California 90069
PhotoART group exhibition "Winter 2009" (12/5 & 12/6)
ART48LA and HStudio Los Angeles are pleased to present "PhotoART : a special group photographic art exhibition WINTER 2009". This is a two-day event only on Dec. 5th (8 pm - 1 am) and Dec 6th (11 am to 5 pm)
The Exhibition’s guest of honor, founder of the Artography Academy of Photographic Arts, James Pasqual Bettio will bring decades of photographic experience to the event. Pasqual, as often referred to by close friends, is a receiver of countless awards including the Brooks Merit Achievement Award, the Award for Artistic Achievement of the International Congress of Photographers and Photochromist, the Achievement Award of Professional Photographers West, and most recently, the Miracle Mile Civic Coalition “Good Hearts Awards.”
- Adam Kaplan
- Ben Carmel
- Caren Rose
- Carlos Roberto Sanchez
- David Alley
- Geoffrey Baris
- James Pasqual Bettio
- Jesse Plume
- Joan Thomas
- Kieron Lo
- Linda Kasian
- Matt Donegan
- Neil Reichline
- Nick Gill
- Stan Ouse
- Steve Gold
- Sylvia Adler
- Wanda Decca
- Yelena Tonoyan
Saturday December 5, 2009 - Opening Reception 8 pm
H1 Gallery
8421 Lankershim Blvd
Sun Valley, CA, 91352
RSVP to 800-242-8992 | info@hstudio.com
Guest must be 21+ to attend the reception
The Exhibition’s guest of honor, founder of the Artography Academy of Photographic Arts, James Pasqual Bettio will bring decades of photographic experience to the event. Pasqual, as often referred to by close friends, is a receiver of countless awards including the Brooks Merit Achievement Award, the Award for Artistic Achievement of the International Congress of Photographers and Photochromist, the Achievement Award of Professional Photographers West, and most recently, the Miracle Mile Civic Coalition “Good Hearts Awards.”
- Adam Kaplan
- Ben Carmel
- Caren Rose
- Carlos Roberto Sanchez
- David Alley
- Geoffrey Baris
- James Pasqual Bettio
- Jesse Plume
- Joan Thomas
- Kieron Lo
- Linda Kasian
- Matt Donegan
- Neil Reichline
- Nick Gill
- Stan Ouse
- Steve Gold
- Sylvia Adler
- Wanda Decca
- Yelena Tonoyan
Saturday December 5, 2009 - Opening Reception 8 pm
H1 Gallery
8421 Lankershim Blvd
Sun Valley, CA, 91352
RSVP to 800-242-8992 | info@hstudio.com
Guest must be 21+ to attend the reception
Random Light-Test.com

Agh, I can't help but keep going back to this site over and over ! Light-test.com is simple. A collection of what I would have called polaroids in the old days but in today's terms, a light test usually with an assistant holding a MacBeth color chart or something similar. In the old days, you usually see the assistant holding a light meter measuring the test. I must be getting old since now I'm talking about the "good old days". Darn whippersnappers !
Anyways, got some time to spare ? Wander over here.
photographer: jim luning
assistant: sandy rosencrans
Friday, November 27, 2009
Conversations with Artists: Natalie Bookchin (12/1)
In conjunction with The Sum of Myself: Photographic Self-Portraits from the Audrey and Sydney Irmas Collection, currently on view, join Los Angeles-based artist Natalie Bookchin for a conversation about contemporary web-based self-portraiture.
Brown Auditorium | Free, tickets required | Available one hour before the program
Tuesday December 1, 2009 7 pm
5905 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Brown Auditorium | Free, tickets required | Available one hour before the program
Tuesday December 1, 2009 7 pm
5905 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Smashbox : Face Off 2009 (12/3)

Yup, it's the fall and it is time for Smashbox : Face Off 2009 ! This photo competition will be having their grand opening reception on Dec 3rd at their WeHo location....which I think it might be the first time it is held up here...my memory isn't as good as it used to be but for the last 9 years or so it was held in Culver City. I hear there will be band(s) along with the usual DJs, drinks and good spirits. To RSVP, just go here.
Thursday December 3, 2009 8 pm - 2 am
Smashbox Studios
1011 N. Fuller St
West Hollywood CA 90069
DNJ "Holiday Miniature Editions"
DNJ Gallery is pleased to present Holiday Miniature Editions - a special series of limited edition, photo-based works by eleven gallery artists. The works vary in size and edition, and range in price from $40- $100. A limited number of full-set editions are available for $500. Created to entice your inner art collector and encourage art-giving this holiday season, the miniatures provide an affordable way to build a contemporary photography collection. DNJ Miniatures are available for purchase individually or as a full set. Please contact the gallery for further information. office@dnjgallery.net
Miniature works are available by:
Maria Luisa Morando, Annie Seaton, Jane O'Neal, Jona Frank, Richard Gilles, Darryl Curran, Laura Parker, Bernadette DiPietro, Anne Veraldi, Patrick Wymore and Dylan Vitone
You can check out all the miniatures available here.
This one is my favorite of the batch :

Jona Frank "Jordan, Rodeo, MT" 2009 c-print, edition of 25 8" x 10"
If you're over on La Brea, they're up near Beverly, just two blocks from where PIX is, just go wander in and check out the miniatures in person. Oh, the show up right now is Maria Luisa Morando "Aqua & White" and Annie Seaton "Going Home: Toronto"
DNJ Gallery
154½ N. La Brea Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Miniature works are available by:
Maria Luisa Morando, Annie Seaton, Jane O'Neal, Jona Frank, Richard Gilles, Darryl Curran, Laura Parker, Bernadette DiPietro, Anne Veraldi, Patrick Wymore and Dylan Vitone
You can check out all the miniatures available here.
This one is my favorite of the batch :

Jona Frank "Jordan, Rodeo, MT" 2009 c-print, edition of 25 8" x 10"
If you're over on La Brea, they're up near Beverly, just two blocks from where PIX is, just go wander in and check out the miniatures in person. Oh, the show up right now is Maria Luisa Morando "Aqua & White" and Annie Seaton "Going Home: Toronto"
DNJ Gallery
154½ N. La Brea Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Passion & Performance: A Conversation with Aimee Mullins and Howard Schatz (12/3)

Howard Schatz (2007)
Aimee Mullins @ TED (Jan 2009)
Currently completely booked, you can still do standby. They usually let stand-bys in 10-15 min before the start. Also check out the Annenberg Space site - they now list the times the free tickets are released - this way you know when to be at your computer. Also check out their blog too.
Thursday December 3, 2009 6:30-8 pm
Annenberg Space for Photography
2000 Avenue of the Stars
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Polyester Los Angeles closing

Dang it, I was gonna blog about this cool little bookstore but found out they are closing and moving to a different state ! Okay, so for photography books there's not many places to go check these out. Of course there are Barnes & Noble and Borders but really for serious photography, there's not much.
Polyester is an independent bookstore that caters to unique, imported, or out-of-print books specializing in photography, art, pop culture and erotica. It's one of the few "mom & pop"-ish photography/art bookstores still in existence in LA.
It is here where I found Anthony S. Kare's "Invisible Empire : The KKK" after I read reviews about it online. Some days I come in just to browse through the books. It ain't as big or modern as Ingalls + Hennessey but there were some charming aspects to it.
It originally was located on Fairfax and then moved downtown to 5th St right next to two art galleries. Anyways, walking by recently and noticed the bookshelves were taken down and books packed in boxes. The owner tells me that another art/photograph store would be taking the same spot. I would mention the address but given it is being taken apart currently and not open for business, all you can do is gawk outside.
I'll keep an eye out to see what new bookstore will be here next year.
Thanksgiving Around a Ping-Pong Table
Happy gobble gobble day folks ! I wish y'all a safe, sane week wherever you are - if you have to travel across the country or just down the street. Take time to enjoy those moments with your friends and family. I don't know about you, but my friends here in Los Angeles keep me sane and down to earth. Life long friends who moved to Los Angeles from Texas and I'm happy that so many are here along with my new friends here in LA. It is always around this time of the year that I find myself grateful for the friendship and love of friends and family and just the appreciation of the opportunities afforded to me here in this city. So I hope everyone out there can take a time out to reflect a bit. :)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Julia Dean Workshops Winter/Spring 2010 Catalog Available
Julia Dean Photo Workshops just release their new Winter/Spring schedule . They're also doing a special discount of 10-15% until December 18th, 9pm PST on their classes. (Discount does not apply to travel workshops, photo safaris and youth program. Certain restrictions may apply.) Questions, call 310-392-0909 or email workshops@juliadean.com.
Leopoldo Peña "Instantáneos"

Many years ago when I used to work in the sales dept at PIX, an elderly African American gentleman would come by every other week or so to buy Polaroid. He was always dressed in a style that men don't really wear these days - sort of a classic look and always only bought Polaroid. I inquired once about that and turns out he ventures to night clubs to take Polaroids of people. I think he charged $5 or $10 bucks a pop. After a while, I just started giving him discount and saw him on and off for many months until one day I realized I hadn't seen him in a while. Sadly I didn't have any contact info but wonder about him now years later on when I saw Leopoldo Peña's series "Instantáneos". During my daily routine of going through websites stumbled on Leopoldo's series.
Well, let's start at the beginning, tell me about these photographs !
One day this past summer, while walking MacArthur Park I noticed some photographers still using Land Polaroids and other instant camera. At first, I did not think they were selling much, so I just waited there for a while and watched them work. And to my surprise, they do get clients every now and then. A couple weeks later, I went to Olvera Street, and there again, I saw several men and women selling instant photos. This time, however, I approached one of the photographers and asked him how long they all had been doing that type of photography. He said most of them had been there for years. As for himself, his father had introduced him to the business over two decades ago. As the conversation carried on, I asked why they were not shooting with digital cameras; his answer was simple: people are still buying instant photographs and digital cameras are expensive.
His resolve to continue using a system that most people nowadays would consider impractical and the fact there still is people who would purchase instant photographs made me realize that what still really matters is the content of the image not the format. But it also made me think that, maybe, these instant photographers are just leaving their last days. And before they completely disappear or switch to digital, I wanted to document them by taking their portrait.
For the portraits, I used a Hasselblad 500cm with a 80mm lens, 400 iso film and a light reflector. For the ones at McArthur Park I used flash fill.
Tell me about how your work. What drew you into photography ?
I started taking photo classes at East Los Angeles College while taking general education classes. Regular academic courses were not motivating me much, so I chose photo just for the fun of it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with photography, I was just taking one class after another, and it was basically for fun. Towards the end of the program, I became interested in documentary/journalism but had no knowledge or training in that area. I left ELAC in 2005, and in late 2006, I began experimenting with landscape photography and at the same time I was trying to built a journalism portfolio which did not go very far. But I am no longer interested in having a journalism portfolio, I am concentrating on just finding stories, doing landscapes and finding work. Eventually, I want to focus on documenting the Mexican indigenous communities here in California. I have already started on the project and I think that will be sort of a life-time project.
Since I am only doing personal projects I prefer to do them on film, it keeps more motivated and it forces me to value every frame. Occasionally, I do commercial jobs (very little), and I do those digital. For the moment, I am busy trying to finish a master's degree and trying to find paid work to continue financing my projects and pay my bills.
I'm curious about these photographers in your images. I'm sure you've had many conversations with them over time and curious what their stories are.
I photographed them while they were working so I really did not have a change to have a conversation with everyone of them. From those that I did talked to, I can tell you that most are Latin American immigrants, some from Mexico others from Central America. They have non photography jobs during the week. One of the guys at McArthur Park, works at a chicken slaughter house the days he is not doing photography. From the people at Olvera Street, the younger lady you see in the photographs works there along her mother who refused to be photographed. There is also three brothers who work there, one of them told me that his father was the first one to start shooting at Olvera St., and of course, them three are just continuing the tradition. Curiously, when I did the portraits one guy (the first one on the series) asked about digital cameras. He wanted to know if one could do double exposures with digital cameras. I told that some of the newer models have that feature. Last week, I returned to give them a copy of the prints, and he is already shooting with a digital nikon but has not stopped shooting with his Land Polaroid.
There's something tangible about Polaroids - I love how you feel it. Thank goodness Fiji continues to make "fujiroids" though I've heard that there may be a come-back for Polaroid but we'll see about that. A question I always asks photographers is what inspires them and I'm going to pose that to you now :)
It would be nice if Polaroid brought back their complete line of products. I am still holding a box of Type 55 for 'that very special' project which I have yet to think of.
What inspires me....? Well, like many others I have a desire, passion, drive to take photos, it just makes me feel less frustrated. However, lately I have started to focus my photo creation process on my own community; its people, the surrounding landscape. That is what inspires. I feel there is a need to document the immigrant community from within, to photograph not only those individuals who make public figures but to include those that form part of it without necessarily getting public recognition. In synthesis, what motivates me to do photography is simple a desire to get in touch with my own surroundings.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Happy Thanksgiving to you too !
"I Spy With My Plastic Eye" group photo show (12/3)

I spy with my plastic eye that within the past decade there was been a resurgence of the Diana/Holga cameras that you can even walk into an Urban Outfitters and buy the Lomo version is surprising to me ! For those unaware, these plastic cameras with their light leaks and plastic lens allow you to turn off certain functions in your head and to explore the world with a different mindset. You can't really adjust the f-stop - there's very basic settings on these but I believe the chance for happy accidents is what motivates folks to use these.
I suppose Astor Morgan felt the same way when he decided to curate this group show over at A&I Hollywood on Dec. 3rd. Check A&I's page for links to the photographers on exhibit. Besides the work, there'll be raffles for some goodies. The exhibition prints, books and raffle sales benefits the weSPARK, a special place dedicated to enhance the quality of life for cancer patients and their families and friends.
Raffles include Holga cameras from Freestyle Photographics, Fiji 120 films, Light Leaks subscriptions, Lensbaby gift certificates, and Julia Dean toy camera class
So turn off your computer, silent your iPhone and come one down to A&I and enjoy some analog entertainment :)
Thursday December 3, 2009 7-10 pm
A & I Hollywood
933 N. Highland Ave
Los Angeles, CA, 90038
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
ASMP/LA presents "MULTIMEDIA and VIDEO" (12/5)
Is video or multimedia an option for your business? How to get started? How steep is the learning curve?
Paula Lerner and Gail Mooney, accomplished photographers, have expanded their markets and the reach of their work through multimedia and video.
Learn how still photographers can apply their skills to these new outlets. Lerner and Mooney will share their work, discuss the basics of each medium, and the critical nature of good audio and careful lighting.
This is a four-hour seminar: all solid, no filler.
- Technology is changing how our clients communicate.
- An introduction to multimedia.
- An introduction to video.
- Capture considerations for both mediums.
- The importance of good audio and good lighting - and how to get them.
- Equipment.
- Making smart business decisions specific to these mediums.
PAULA LERNER has worked everywhere from the Amazon to Afghanistan and produces multimedia features for both editorial as well as commercial clients such as Smithsonian Magazine, Business Week, Children's Hospital Boston, and washingtonpost.com. She will talk about her transition to multimedia, and how it can be a profitable business option in addition to being an outlet for personal projects.
GAIL MOONEY has 30 years of experience as a still photographer working for magazines, major corporations, and advertising agencies. She started shooting 35mm film motion footage in 1996, and in 1999 began to produce and shoot video. She has produced two short documentaries, and is currently working on a documentary about the Civil Rights Freedom Ride of the 1960s.
Saturday, December 5, 2009 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (doors open at 8:30 AM)
Bergamot Station
2525 Michigan Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(pre-registration required for door prizes):
40.00 - ASMP Member
65.00 - Affiliate Member
75.00 - Non-Member
25.00 - Students
Paula Lerner and Gail Mooney, accomplished photographers, have expanded their markets and the reach of their work through multimedia and video.
Learn how still photographers can apply their skills to these new outlets. Lerner and Mooney will share their work, discuss the basics of each medium, and the critical nature of good audio and careful lighting.
This is a four-hour seminar: all solid, no filler.
- Technology is changing how our clients communicate.
- An introduction to multimedia.
- An introduction to video.
- Capture considerations for both mediums.
- The importance of good audio and good lighting - and how to get them.
- Equipment.
- Making smart business decisions specific to these mediums.
PAULA LERNER has worked everywhere from the Amazon to Afghanistan and produces multimedia features for both editorial as well as commercial clients such as Smithsonian Magazine, Business Week, Children's Hospital Boston, and washingtonpost.com. She will talk about her transition to multimedia, and how it can be a profitable business option in addition to being an outlet for personal projects.
GAIL MOONEY has 30 years of experience as a still photographer working for magazines, major corporations, and advertising agencies. She started shooting 35mm film motion footage in 1996, and in 1999 began to produce and shoot video. She has produced two short documentaries, and is currently working on a documentary about the Civil Rights Freedom Ride of the 1960s.
Saturday, December 5, 2009 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (doors open at 8:30 AM)
Bergamot Station
2525 Michigan Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(pre-registration required for door prizes):
40.00 - ASMP Member
65.00 - Affiliate Member
75.00 - Non-Member
25.00 - Students
Canon 7D Shorts
I'm seriously surprised at the quality from the canon 7D short "Perya" Though I have to ask, is Moby the official soundtrack to Canon ? I'm actually more impressed with this little video than Vincent's 1D MKIV video shot in downtown LA.
This one was done by a local filmmaker Drew Maw on the Santa Monica Pier.... beautiful :)
I've been working on a personal project for the past year and realized now I should have rented a 5d MKII since it would make an excellent choice to also do video in addition to the stills but oh well. I'll probably mention the project in the future if I ever get the dang thing done. lol ! Seriously, I'm impressed with what I see and though I wasn't too up for the whole digital video SLR thing I realized that it is what is here now and you have to adapt. Besides, this may be a nice way for me to expand beyond what I normally shoot and just to explore photography's cousin, the moving image.
Oh, I should also mention rentals now carry the 7D for $150 a day/4 day week. Call up PIX rentals @ 323-936-8488 or 1-866-697-0081 if you got questions on that.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Apple Crossbones Decal

Arrrrrrrrr ! Shiver me timbers !
Buy it here.
UPDATE : PIX twitter follower Kevin Knight shows off his own Apple crossbones tattoo :)
Monday (11/23) Linkage
Linkage is where I post up a list of links. They're usually of photographic nature from the past few days or something inspiring that may kick start that creative engine in your head...or it just might be a cool series of photos or ...heck, really it is anything that captures my attention and I feel that other creatives would enjoy or benefit from it.
It's linkage and just here for your grazing needs, lol !
+ This is just beautiful -> Days with My Father by Phillip Toledano
+ Los Angeles magazine's back issues (1996-2006) now online !
+ Your Portfolios (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Go Sleeveless)
+ Top Ten of Covers of the ’00s
+ Leica M7 Hermès Edition
+ We Will Now Interview Photo Editor Robyn Lange
+ Where was the Photographer Standing ?
+ Fonts & Mad Men
+ Theme park brochures and maps
+ The Evolution of the Coca-Cola Contour Bottle
+ BTW : I really love the Stockland Martel blog .... and I love Heather Morton's blog too (now with friends !)
Yes, I spend waaaaay too much time online.
It's linkage and just here for your grazing needs, lol !
+ This is just beautiful -> Days with My Father by Phillip Toledano
+ Los Angeles magazine's back issues (1996-2006) now online !
+ Your Portfolios (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Go Sleeveless)
+ Top Ten of Covers of the ’00s
+ Leica M7 Hermès Edition
+ We Will Now Interview Photo Editor Robyn Lange
+ Where was the Photographer Standing ?
+ Fonts & Mad Men
+ Theme park brochures and maps
+ The Evolution of the Coca-Cola Contour Bottle
+ BTW : I really love the Stockland Martel blog .... and I love Heather Morton's blog too (now with friends !)
Yes, I spend waaaaay too much time online.
James Hill - Metal Photographs (11/28)

Since the 1970s, Texas born Southern California based artist James Hill has been producing work interconnecting photography, collage, assemblage, and painting. Hill’s new Metal Photographs, images printed on sheets of aluminum, juxtaposes various photographed and collected found image sources taken from television or films often incorporating text collaged together with photographic subjects such as African, Asian and Pre-Colombian sculptures. Hill’s multi-channeled photographic works on aluminum read as landscape markers asking questions of the viewer rather than giving direction constantly rearranging meaning from the transcendent to the absurd. The new metal photographs originated from an ongoing outdoors project of tagging phone poles around San Clemente area.
November 28th - January 10th, 2010
Opening Reception - November 28th 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
990 North Hill Street #180
Los Angeles, CA 90012

I recently found out the LAT's website has a section called "pop.u.LA.tion" where you get a chance to meet the many different folks that live here in Los Angeles. In a way, it is like the New York Times' "One in Eight Million" series. There's currently nine stories up from Sol Shankman who has been taking daily hikes for the past 32 years (he's 94 now !) to a Jimmy Hendrix impersonator to a day at a LA newstand to a prop house in North Hollywood. Most are photography though the recent "Museum of Death" story is a video. Personally, I like the photography with audio track format.
Check it out here.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
2nd Annual LADIG + ASMP/LA Holiday Party (12/8)
Oh, this should be good ! I blogged about this last Christmas but didn't had a chance to go but I'm gonna try to make it out for this one !
Wait, what's so special about this Holiday Party ? I mean, isn't it just a bunch of photographers getting together ? Yup, and here's the catch - you must bring a print of your own. Doesn't matter what theme or topic or anything - and any size will do :)
So what do you do with your print at the party ? Meet your fellow LA photographers with their own prints. See one that you like ? Great ! Trade prints ! Sounds easy doesn't it :) Bring as many prints as you wanna get.
So free drinks, food, a chance to meet other photographers, win some door prizes, what else do you need ? Oh, well, yeah, a 5D MK II be nice too. By the way, admission is free and you don't just have to be an ASMP/LA or LADIG member, any photographers are welcomed ! Honestly, this sounds like a great event and Los Angeles definitely needs more events like this especially since we are so spread out from South Bay to downtown to Westside to Pasadena, the Valley, yup.
RSVP -> http://ladigparty09.eventbrite.com/
Tuesday, December 8, 2008 6-10 pm
Beachwood Studios
1112 North Beachwood Dr.
Los Angeles CA 90038
Sponsor by LADIG and ASMP/LA
Wait, what's so special about this Holiday Party ? I mean, isn't it just a bunch of photographers getting together ? Yup, and here's the catch - you must bring a print of your own. Doesn't matter what theme or topic or anything - and any size will do :)
So what do you do with your print at the party ? Meet your fellow LA photographers with their own prints. See one that you like ? Great ! Trade prints ! Sounds easy doesn't it :) Bring as many prints as you wanna get.
So free drinks, food, a chance to meet other photographers, win some door prizes, what else do you need ? Oh, well, yeah, a 5D MK II be nice too. By the way, admission is free and you don't just have to be an ASMP/LA or LADIG member, any photographers are welcomed ! Honestly, this sounds like a great event and Los Angeles definitely needs more events like this especially since we are so spread out from South Bay to downtown to Westside to Pasadena, the Valley, yup.
RSVP -> http://ladigparty09.eventbrite.com/
Tuesday, December 8, 2008 6-10 pm
Beachwood Studios
1112 North Beachwood Dr.
Los Angeles CA 90038
Sponsor by LADIG and ASMP/LA
Mark Edward Harris "The Art of the Japanese Bath" (11/28)

Ten percent of the world's volcanic activity occurs in Japan. While all that geothermal activity has set off devastating volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and earthquakes they have also provided the 127 million inhabitants of the island nation on the "Ring of Fire" with a very unique way of life. The 20,00 thermal hot springs that flow from the ground have become meccas. An estimated 100 million people check in each year at Japanese style inns and hotels to bath in various pool,springs and spas.
If you missed the Mark Edward Harris signing at Samy's earlier this month, fear not, Mark is having a show this upcoming Saturday over at Kopeikin Gallery. He'll have his books there and be available for signing :)
November 28th - December 24th
Saturday, November 28th from 5:00 - 8:00 opening reception
Kopeikin Gallery
8810 Melrose Avenue
West Hollywood, CA. 90069
(310) 385-5894 tel
Friday, November 20, 2009
Frank W. Ockenfels 3 "Without Filter" preview

Yes, Frank's show is Saturday night from 6-10 pm but when Bonnie who runs the Fine Art dept at ICON found out I had to leave for Texas on Saturday, she told me I'm inviting you to a pre-opening bash the night before on Friday night. I said cool !

This gentleman here Scott Jo is the first person to buy a copy of Frank's limited edition book. I wrote a few days ago that there were only 100 being made but I was mistaken. There is only 150 being made and they sell for $250 each. Less than 20 is available at the show though. Each book is hand stitched and signed so given the time frame, they couldn't make so many.

The thing I loved the most about the show was the placement of the images. Unlike the usual gallery shows where the work sit side by side in a rigid format, this show feels more loose and more like a sketch book....heck, it was like Frank took over the ICON and made the walls into his book ! Definitely a more organic feel to it. I saw the print I wanted and the price list was available - $1,500. Ah, deny. If I didn't have debts to pay off and a 5D MK II sitting on my wish list :(
So Canon was there, they sponsor the event. Happy to see Karen from Samy's, Lisa from Angeleno as well as Ramesh, the owner of the ICON and the rest of his crew :) I ended up talking to some of the folks about the photo biz and how it has changed since the 90s. Many old memories were bought out :)
I expect it to get crazy there for the opening on Saturday night so I advise folks to get there early and check out the work before it gets too packed.

The show runs November 21, 2009 - Jan 16, 2010.
Saturday November 21st 6 - 10 pm opening reception
Clark | Oshin Gallery @ the ICON
5450 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90036
BTW : APE (A Photo Editor) has a pretty extensive interview with Frank posted today. They talk about the show itself and it is pretty amazing to hear what Frank has gone through since the 80s till today. Best quote in the interview :
If you can’t light something in the first place, you shouldn’t be taking pictures. The whole point of photography is to find the light. To understand the light. You need to basically take that light and make it work for you, that the light is bringing you to what you want them to see
Definitely. I think folks rely too much on Photoshop these days but well, that's just my opinion.
BLURB Self-Publishing Workshops @ Annenberg (12/5)

Chad Jennings, VP of Design and founding employee at Blurb, provides a detailed step-by-step demonstration on how to make, publish, share and sell commercial-quality books using Blurb's creative publishing platform. Whether you want to make a killer portfolio, client deliverable, or the next great American photography book, this session shows and tells you what you need to know about BookSmart, Blurb's free book layout software; Blurb's web tools; and what you need to get started or hone your bookmaking chops. Part inspiration, part instruction, you'll get some great tips straight from Blurb's top designer.
Topics covered:
• Introduction and overview on Blurb's creative publishing platform
• The whys of design planning and what to think about before starting your book
• Basic and advanced tricks using Blurb's BookSmart software
• Color management and the Blurb platform
• Online marketing tools and the Set Your Price program
• How to create your own custom layouts in Adobe Photoshop and InDesign
• Pacing and sequencing of your book, including effective use of white space
• Utilizing sample and inspirational books created by professional photographers
Schedule - December 5, 2009:
• First Workshop: 10am-Noon
• Second Workshop: 1:00-3:00pm
• Third Workshop: 4:00-6:00pm
Because of highly limited space, we will be conducting registration by lottery. Please submit your request including your preferred workshop time by no later than midnight, November 21 to info@annenbergspaceforphotography.org with "BLURB Workshop Request" in the Subject header. Two random drawings will be held on November 23.
If your name is chosen, you will be contacted by no later than November 23. We will do our best to accommodate your requested session time, however, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to fulfill your preference. We kindly ask your cooperation and understanding as we do our best to satisfy the demand for this free workshop.
16 attendees will be selected for each of our 3 workshops.
48 total registrants will be contacted and confirmed
Veeeeery interesting there'll holding a lottery for this event. This event will be at the Annenberg Space for Photography in Century City.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Barry Underwood "Earth Engines" (Oakland, CA) (11/21)

"...His landscapes, while painstakingly staged, incorporate man-made light with an almost eerie naturalness. The glowing elements that should jar our eyes as electrical protrusions actually serve to capture nature with a new thesis: as a planet intrinsically altered by our footprint, though, not in that we've destroyed our Earth and things are too late kind of way..." - Mark Wilson (Gizmodo)
If you happen to be in Oakland this weekend, go run by the Johansson Projects gallery. Barry Underwood's photographic works will be on display there at the reception 5-8 pm. The show also includes a series of sound installations by artist Oliver diCicco.
2300 Telegraph Ave.
Oakland, CA 94615
T: 510.444.9140
Jill Greenberg "Bear Portraits" (11/21)

"When I was shooting the bears, I was surprised that they'd often pose like cuddly teddy bears. I thought that was really cute and I liked the dichotomy between the two ways the bears could be." - Jill Greenberg
Saturday, November 21, 2009 - Saturday, December 5, 2009
Opening reception & book signing @ Saturday November 21, 2009 7-9 pm
Guy Hepner Contemporary
300 N Robertson Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90048
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Los Angeles, Portrait of a City

“Jim Heimann's new book, Los Angeles: Portrait of a City, is without a doubt the most comprehensive visual history of L.A. ever attempted." — Chris Nichols, Los Angeles magazine

Looking at this book makes me fall in love with Los Angeles all over again. For the past ten years I've had a strange relationship with his city and I suppose most transplants have similar feelings of love and hate with this city of angels. There were nights with Marty and Elaine @ Dresden Room where I stumbled out drunk and later found myself at Jumbo's Clown Room. Late night dining at Canter's, walking the streets of Sunset, wandering under the boardwalk of Santa Monica, hidden bars in downtown. As with other visitors I fell under the spell of the city.
Together in one book, TASCHEN has pulled together over the history of the city from 1880s to the present into over 500 pages of photographic delight. Jim Heimann (Executive Editor for TASCHEN America) edited this book with California historian Kevin Starr and LA Times book editor David L. Ulin.
On Thursday night, there is a gala fundraiser and book release party hosted by Diane Keaton and Benedikt Taschen over at Cross Roads of the World from 7-9 pm. Money raised goes to the LA Conservatory which works to preserve historic resources here in this city. Tickets are $70 and available online here or you can call 310-274-4300. Hors d’oeuvres and cocktails will be served and there'll be guided tour of the historic Cross Roads of the World from 7-8 pm. Each ticket holder receives an autographed copy of the book.
More info you can check here and here
Gala Fundraiser and Book Release party - November 19, 2009 7-9 pm
Cross Roads of the World
6671 Sunset Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028
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