Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday (11/23) Linkage

Linkage is where I post up a list of links. They're usually of photographic nature from the past few days or something inspiring that may kick start that creative engine in your head...or it just might be a cool series of photos or ...heck, really it is anything that captures my attention and I feel that other creatives would enjoy or benefit from it.

It's linkage and just here for your grazing needs, lol !

+ This is just beautiful -> Days with My Father by Phillip Toledano
+ Los Angeles magazine's back issues (1996-2006) now online !
+ Your Portfolios (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Go Sleeveless)
+ Top Ten of Covers of the ’00s
+ Leica M7 Hermès Edition
+ We Will Now Interview Photo Editor Robyn Lange
+ Where was the Photographer Standing ?
+ Fonts & Mad Men
+ Theme park brochures and maps
+ The Evolution of the Coca-Cola Contour Bottle
+ BTW : I really love the Stockland Martel blog .... and I love Heather Morton's blog too (now with friends !)

Yes, I spend waaaaay too much time online.

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