Thursday, November 19, 2009

Barry Underwood "Earth Engines" (Oakland, CA) (11/21)

"...His landscapes, while painstakingly staged, incorporate man-made light with an almost eerie naturalness. The glowing elements that should jar our eyes as electrical protrusions actually serve to capture nature with a new thesis: as a planet intrinsically altered by our footprint, though, not in that we've destroyed our Earth and things are too late kind of way..." - Mark Wilson (Gizmodo)

If you happen to be in Oakland this weekend, go run by the Johansson Projects gallery. Barry Underwood's photographic works will be on display there at the reception 5-8 pm. The show also includes a series of sound installations by artist Oliver diCicco.

2300 Telegraph Ave.
Oakland, CA 94615
T: 510.444.9140

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