Friday, April 9, 2010

Three Stage Tour @ MILK LA video

So yesterday I wander over to Milk Studios just to check out the Three Stage Tour for myself. Resource Magazine has joined forces with Hasselblad and Broncolor as well as other sponsors to demo their new gear in a unique environment. Sort of like a three ring circus ! On one stage Matthew Welch was shooting, on another Joseph Cultice while the third stage was available for photographers to try out the new Hasselblad H4D.

I found out Hassy is launching a new site called HassyLA. It's an online community for LA photographers (don't worry non-LA folks, there'll be one for different cities). By the way, you don't have to own a Hassy to join the group, any photographers are welcomed.

So here's what I understand. Each month a feature photographer will have access to a H4D to shoot as s/he pleases. That photographer will post photos up on Flickr and members are encourage to submit their own photos. At the end of 30 days, the LA community along with three Hassy reps and three professional photographers will vote on the work of one of the community members as the next featured photographer. Then the camera gets passed to the next one. At the end of 9 months, the community will pick one member who best represents LA and that winner will go on to the Battle of the Bands with other Hassy communities in other cities.

From there Hassy will pick their winner among all those communities and that photographer will received the Hasselblad H4D ! So if you really want that new camera, submit ! There's nothing on the LA one yet, but check out, there's a few images already up.

This reminds me of Profoto Assistant with assistants complete against other assistants worldwide to win the grand prize of $10,000 worth of Profoto gear ! Yes, I hear that B2 calling my name !

My dream would to own a few of those Profoto B2s but alas, perhaps one of these days my fortune cookie will give me those right lotto numbers !

Just walking around the set made me realized how much photography has changed in just decade. Every set had a pair of monitors with a digital tech and well, gone were the days of Polaroid. In fact, I ran into a photographer I assisted back in 1999 who happen to stop by and we had a chat about how things are between 1999 and 2010. I told him I still have the polaroid test from our first gig together.

Anyways, had fun meeting new folks as well as seeing same friends and of course the event ended with a party. ^^

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