Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday Random Briefs

+ Photojournalist Tomas van Houtryve talks of how he manages to photograph daily life in North Korean. He had to disguise himself a consultant in the chocolate business in a delegation ! Just listening to him talk of North Koreans being suspicious and pulling him aside for 4 hours to have a talk with him runs chills in my mind. I wished the NPR interview were longer - I hoped to hear more of his experiences in North Korea. You can see his images of here

+ Over at SPD (Society of Publication Designers) blog, they asked George Pitts, the founding photo director of Vibe magazine to give his thoughts on the passing of Vibe.

+ Another SPD-related note, I'm reposting this link I put up from a week ago. Scott Dadich talks of how he and Dan Winters worked on designing 'Periodical Photographs'. And I admit, I'm a sucker for a well-designed book so I love all this behind the scene peeks. Oh, Dan's work will be up at Fahley/Klein at the end of July so I'll make sure to be there for that one !

+ Hey, on July 23rd, (next week) Julia Dean's Photographers on Photography lecture series returns with Tony Duran as the guest speaker and Art Streiber as moderator. No RSVP required. $20 at door. Held over at Screaming Broccoli's new stages on 3334 S. La Cienega Place (90016). Deails here 7:30 - 9 pm

+ This I didn't know - almost 1,200 laptops or lost or stolen in LAX every week ! Watch your bags people !

+ on NPR, David Lynch talks on his collaboration with Danger Mouse and Sparkle Horse for a gallery exhibit in L.A that is currently running at Michael Kohn Gallery on Beverly Blvd, until August 15th.

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