Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I think I found PIX's long lost cousin...

..the Koo Koo Roo chicken !

Thanks for the props !

Always happy to hear from the community :) Besides the blog, there's also a Facebook page where some of the same information is posted. I tend to put it on PIX Feed first and filter some of the events down to Facebook and Twitter. If you like to be a friend on Facebook, just search for "PIX Inc" - you'll come up with two pages - the first is a business fan page and the other is me.

You can also follow us on Twitter. Thanks to the folks who've been following us ! We got some well-known ones : Calumet, DripBook, Getty Images, Slideluck PotShow, ASMP NY, APA NY, MAC Group (you know, Tenba, Mamiya, Profoto,etc), PhotoShelter, Resource Magazine, Getty Museum, Kodak among others.

MOPLA 2009 : Lectures & Workshops

Besides seeing all the great photography at MOPLA, there's also a host of talks and workshops. I feel blessed that I live in a city where one can go and listen to many well-known photographers. Some have a fee, some don't. Discounts given to Lucie Foundation members and students.

LUCIE LECTURES WEST scheduled lectures:

Tuesday, April 7- Pacific Design Center - 10AM-12PM
Staying Alive - How to Succeed as a Photographer in Good and Bad Times moderated by Debra Weiss with Jigisha Bouverat and Glen Wexler.

Tuesday, April 7- Pacific Design Center - 1-2:30PM
Gerd Ludwig - Russia - The Wild, Wild East

Tuesday, April 7- Pacific Design Center - 3-5PM
Looking at the Past to Build a Better Future - Lessons Learned from Photographic Trends moderated by Debra Weiss with Steve Levit, Michael Kochman and Tim Wride.

Wednesday, April 8 - Pacific Design Center - 10AM-12PM
The Synergy of Music and Pictures - A Conversation moderated by Dr. Anthony Bannon of George Eastman House with photographers B+ and Herman Leonard.

Wednesday, April 8- Pacific Design Center - 3-5PM
The Singular Vision presented by photographer Andrew Southam

Thursday, April 9- Pacific Design Center - 10AM-12PM
Art Streiber - The Big Picture: Editorial Photography Behind The Scenes

Thursday, April 9- Pacific Design Center - 1-2:30PM
Kwaku Alston - The balance between personal and professional work.

Thursday, April 9- Pacific Design Center - 3:30-5PM
Melvin Sokolsky - No Place Like Daydreams

And then there are workshops :

Tuesday, April 7 through Thursday, April 9 - Pacific Design Center
Mark Edward Harris - 3 Day Workshop - The Fine Art of Travel Photography

Tuesday, April 7 through Thursday, April 9 - Pacific Design Center
Jim McHugh - 3 Day Workshop Interpretive Architecture - The Other Portraiture

Monday, April 13 through Friday, April 17 - Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles
Gerd Ludwig - 5 Day Workshop - Magazine Stories for the Documentary Photographer

Fees and all other info found on their site.


Culver City Gallery Walk (4/3)

In conjunction with LA Art Weekend this coming up weekend, Culver City has a Gallery Walk this Friday April 3rd from 6-8 pm.

Hosted by ForYourArt, LA)(ART Regroup and X-Tra on the occasion of Los Angeles Art Weekend

Participating Galleries:
Blum & Poe
David Kordansky
Honor Fraser
Kim Light
Susanne Vielmetter
Taylor de Cordoba
Western Project

Artist Talks
6:30pm Dave Muller at Blum & Poe
7:30pm Walead Beshty at LA)(ART

Food from Kogi BBQ, Tacos Bevida and Green Truck
Beer generously provided by Grolsch

Facebook event listing

Monday, March 30, 2009

Calumet : Free 2 day test drive of Hasselblad H3DII

Yup, Calumet is offering a two day period to try out Hassy's newest beast. All you have to do is call your nearest Calumet Advanced Product Sales Specialist (for Los Angeles, that'll be Christy Jewell ) and arrange to have a demo session before April 30th. It can be at Calumet or your location (as long as it is within a certain range). They'll walk you through the camera.

After the demo, you'll be eligible for the 2-day trial so call Calument rentals and you'll get the camera and 80mm lens plus cables, memory card, and Hasselblad's Phocus software.

Read the fine print over here.

New photo agency in town : PictureGroup

Straight from PDN's twitter, a former Getty celebrity shooter is starting his own agency. Hmmm..a baby WireImage in the making ?



Los Angeles, CA - Trusted entertainment photographer Frank Micelotta has announced that he will launch a new digital photography production company called PictureGroup. Micelotta, a 25-year photography veteran, has been the photographer of choice to many celebrities such as Madonna, Usher, Britney Spears, Jay-Z, and Beyonce and companies including MTV, Fox, BET, and many others. PictureGroup will be the premier source for complete digital photography and video solutions for corporate clients and artists in the entertainment business. PictureGroup will announce its founding members and corporate partners when the company launches in mid April.

GroupLA 2008 "An Intimate View of Los Angeles" (4/11) (MOPLA)

Part of April's MOPLA 2009, GroupLA 2008 (yes, the name includes the date 2008) is a consortium of 30 LA-based photographers . They have a show "An Intimate View of Los Angeles" will be shown in Santa Monica at Miniarc/Gallery Skart.

I've always been interested in documentary photography and the city of Los Angeles itself so I'm curious to check out 30 different perspectives of this city. The artist reception is on April 11th from 6-9 pm

2324 michigan ave
santa monica ca 90404

Press Release

Random Tweet

Monday Links

+ LA Times blog covers the Warhol + Polaroid exhibit over at USC Fisher Museum of Art. Runs till April 18th.

+American Photo posts an entry about local photographer Chris Anthony who just had his opening this weekend. His exhibition "Venice" at Corey Helford Gallery runs till April 18th.

+ Christopher Knight of LA Times offers his first impressions of the Annenberg Space for Photography.

+ APA NY "Tell Us A Story 2009" open for submissions till April 16th.

+ Images from last Saturday's PhotoWalk LA up on Flickr

+ Non-photo related but there'll be a public meeting about the Olympic / Pico traffic plan, There were talks last year about making Olympic & Pico one way streets. If you like to voice your opinion, there'll be three public meetings (April 1st, 2nd and 7th)

Helen Levitt (1913-2009)

"A great chronicler of New York's children and street life, and a great New Yorker." - Martin Schneider

"At least a dozen of Helen Levitt’s photographs seem to me as beautiful, perceptive, satisfying, and enduring as any lyrical work that I know. In their general quality and coherence, moreover, the photographs as a whole body, as a book, seem to me to combine into a unified view of the world, an uninsistent but irrefutable manifesto of a way of seeing, and in a gently and wholly unpretentious way, a major poetic work." -James Agee

"Helen Levitt is considered 'a photographer's photographer'—little known by the public, but revered by fellow photographers. She has never sought fame, and she's intensely private.... Helen Levitt has led a remarkable life. Levitt created some of the most indelible photographs of New York City street scenes in the 1930s and 40s.... Levitt's photographs are tender, and witty, and intimate." —"All Things Considered," NPR

New York Times
Lens Culture - Levitt slideshow of 24 images

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Varis Photo Workshops

UPDATE : Looks like it sold out already. The reservation page shows no spaces left.

Got an email from Lee Varis announcing he'll be doing a series of workshops at ICON. Here's his email :

I am happy to announce that I will be conducting a free series of digital imaging classes at the Icon photo lab starting April 15th. These Digital Image Workflow classes will focus on the same topic for one month so classes will repeat 4 times, always on Wednesday evening. If you have to miss a class one week it will repeat the next week - each month will feature a new topic.

Icon Customer Service Lounge
the Icon Photo Lab
5450 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Day: Every Wednesday
Time: 7:00PM - 8:30PM
Cost: FREE

Seating is limited to 15 people so please register online in advance to secure a seat.

First Class Topic: Setting Up a Digital Image Workflow

class will cover configuring a Lightroom based imaging workflow including:
· Basic organization of folders, file names and hard drives
· Setting up a Lightroom Catalog
· Backup strategies
· Automation techniques
· Working with the Lightroom Library

The basic idea is to set up your working methods in the most efficient way for consistent results and to establish an image archive that is flexible and expandable without working yourself into a corner. Each of the 4 classes will cover the same material with enough time for a question and answer session at the end to address specific needs of individual photographers.
Please register in advance to reserve a seat for the free Wednesday evening classes.

Register here

Random Tweet

Mario Testino

For your viewing enjoyment.

This episode of CNN's Revealed was broadcast in Feb of 2007. Also found an interview too.

CNN: What is the power of photography?

Testino: It depends what sort of photography you are talking about. Photography conveys either a moment or emotion -- it documents something. In fine art you see this in a different way because usually what you see isn't always what (the photographer) is trying to say. Photography has many different purposes.

My favorite type of photography -- apart from fashion photography -- is journalism, which in a way documents something that exists in a very precise moment, that didn't exist in a moment before and will not exist ever again. This has influenced my work a lot -- I usually try to make my images look like they just exist, like no effort was put into it.

If you look at the description of photography it means "writing with light," so I guess it's a combination of capturing a moment at the right speed at the right composition -- different elements come into it.

Read the rest of the Q&As here

Los Angeles Art Weekend 2009 (April 2-5)

This upcoming weekend is the 2nd Annual Los Angeles Art Weekend spanning four days and the city with lectures, exhibits, and other events. They set up a website for the event, lartweekend.com, a very easily navigated site with downloadable maps and a daily schedule. I suggest you take a gander and check out all they have to offer. In this post, I'm just going to briefly mention photography events :

THURSDAY (4/2/09)

6:30-7:00 pm For fashion photographers (or anyone into Valentino), TASCHEN invites you to meet legendary and iconic couturier Valentino as he signs copies of his new book Valentino: A Grand Italian Epic .TASHEN

6:30-8:00 pm "A Fifty Year Love Affair with Photography" Lecture with Douglas Kirkland Annenberg Space for Photography

FRIDAY (4/3/09)

6:00-8:00pm 3rd Annual Culver City Gallery Walk. This event is listed on the Art Weekend site but I can't seem to find an official site...the ones I found concern the 2nd annual. Will update.

SATURDAY (4/4/09)

7:00-8:00 pm Photography Panel on landscape and built environment : Catherine Ledner, Misha Gravenor, David Lauridsen, Tom Fowlks, Gregg Segal. Held at The Standard Downtown

Oh, if you're into architecture, art, urbanism, landscape, and design, that photo panel I just mention is part of another 5 day event, the 2nd Annual Postopolis that runs March 31st - April 4th.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

ASPP/PACA "Copyright/Copywrong in Image Licensing" (4/4/09)

The American Society of Picture Professionals (ASPP) along with Picture Archive Council of America (PACA) and the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) in bringing Nancy Wolff to speak on April 4th in Culver City.

From their website :

Are you a photographer, photo editor, art buyer, art director or designer? Do you sell or license imagery? If so, this is a must-attend event. Nancy E. Wolff, counsel to PACA and an expert in the area of image licensing and the law, will present “Copyright/Copywrong in Image Licensing” followed by a Q&A. As a leading authority on copyright, Ms. Wolff examines actual case studies and explains the sometimes complex issues in terms that everyone can understand. The presentation will address:

-the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
-fair use
-what copyright protects and for how long
-what is an infringement
-how the Copyright Act can be used to remove infringing works from the Internet
-when you need additional permissions and why

3619 Eastham Studio
3619 Eastham Drive
Culver City, CA 90232


ASPP & PACA Members - $15
New ASPP Members - Free
APA, ASMP, AIGA, IDA, Doculink Members - $20
Non-Members - $25
Students - $10

RSVP: Because of limited space, you MUST reserve in advance to attend this event. Please RSVP by March 31 to Michael Masterson at michaeldmasterson@gmail.com.

More information here : ASPP.com

Saturday Briefs

+ NPR's Susan Stamberg talks about Julius Shulman. Cost of having Julius photograph your place ? Rate start at $6,000.

+ Magnum complies a list of awards & competitions and so does Rachel Hulin. I believe most I've already listed their deadline in the event calendar.

+ Nikon releases updates for ViewNX, and Transfer.

+ Local blog WeCanShootToo talks to Bryan Formhals, the founder of La Pura Vida Gallery.

The Key to a Photograph from Ansel Adams

Found via Lens Culture

Phase One + Mamiya

I made a quick mention about this last week but here's part of the press release :

Phase One and Mamiya Digital Imaging announced today that Phase One is making a significant financial investment in Mamiya Digital Imaging, thus becoming a major shareholder in the company. It was also announced that Phase One will take on strategic leadership for the companies’ R & D, marketing and distribution management. Like the companies’ flagship 645 camera system announced one year ago, future digital backs based on Phase One digital expertise will be marketed under both the Phase One and Mamiya brands.

Over at Luminous Landscape, they had a chance to talk to Henrik O. Håkonsson, Phase One's President and CEO.

...what is clear is that Phase One is now in the driver's seat when it comes to research and development, marketing and product distribution on a world-wide basis. Claus Mølgaard, Phases' VP of Engineering is now in charge of all product development for both companies.

There's much more so I suggest going over here and read the full article. And there's also something else that caught me eye :

A couple of days prior to this announcement The British Journal of Photography had an online piece about how Calumet was ceasing to handle the Leaf line and would be focusing on Hasselblad medium format cameras and backs. I asked for clarification on this and was told that indeed in Europe Calumet was going to be exclusively handling Hasselblad, but that this was not the case in the US. In America Calumet will also be dropping the Leaf camera and back line, but in the US they would continue to sell, rent and support Phase One along with Hasselblad.

Read the press release here.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday Briefs

+ ASMP has started a new blog called Strictly Business with contributors : Leslie Burns-Dell’Acqua, Susan Carr, Blake Discher, Pete Dyson, Judy Herrmann, Richard Kelly, Peter Krogh and Thomas Werner.

+ LA Times starts a new weekly tabloid paper called Brand X. This will replace their Metromix. They also register the site thisisbrandx.com but nothing is on it currently. Here's the memo that was posted on the LATimes blog on Wed (3/25)

+ The Twitter blacklash begins...other Twitter news, found @calumetphoto and @samyscamera ... welcome guys ! Oh, another weird twitter, @itunestrailers ... so Apple tweets new trailers ? Guess so...

+ Finally, a random link : vintage supermarket photos,


+ Via Twitter, LA City Beat folded. The staff was informed this morning. LINK .... also Genre magazine has suspended publication

+ Oh, Beate Chelette just started a new site called photosecrets blog. She's doing a free teleseminar next Tuesday for photographers. Details on her site.

Things to do this weekend

+ Some shows closing this weekend : Robert Mapplethorpe (Saturday) @ Marc Selwyn, Joseph Rodríguez - Flesh Life: Sex in Mexico City (Sunday) @ drkrm, and this one I'm not too sure about as the gallery's website just states till the end of March : Melanie Pullen - Violent Times @ ACE Gallery

+ L8S ANG3LES: 11 LA photographers @ The Annenberg Space for Photography, Wed - Sun11am–6pm

The inaugural exhibition for the space that celebrates contemporary photography featuring eleven internationally known photographers: Julius Shulman, Tim Street-Porter, Douglas Kirkland, Greg Gorman, Lauren Greenfield, Carolyn Cole, Lawrence Ho, Kirk McKoy, Genaro Molina, Catherine Opie and John Baldessari

+ "Jeunes Talents" @ Louis Stern Fine Arts. Last night was the VIP/press reception and exhibit opens today 10 am - 6 pm. I posted something about this a few days ago.

+ Over at The Hammer in Westwood, Wang Qingsong "Skyscraper" opened a few days ago. Fri/Sat 11 am-7 pm ... Sun 11 am-5 pm.....also showing at The Hammer is the 2009 Oscar-nominated documentary "Trouble the Water". Free 7 pm Fri (3/27)

+ La Pura Vida's"Can't Pay Rent" closing reception is tonight, Friday (3/27) over in Silverlake. $5 (includes food, drinks, and live music)

+ PhotoWalk LA, (the Downtown edition). Saturday (3/28) @ Pershing Square 2 pm

+ Over at Art & Shelter gallery on Sunset Blvd will have "Seeing Within", a collection of photography from Marshall High School students. Starts Saturday (3/28) 6-8 pm reception.

+ Chris Anthony will have a reception for his new photographs, "Venice" on Sat (3/28) 7-10pm over at Corey Helford Gallery special exhibition space at 6086 Comey Ave LA, CA 90034. Info here.

+ By the way, the Palm Springs Photo Festival starts this Sunday

Did I miss something ? Post it in the comments !

Thursday, March 26, 2009

PIX CLICKS - Smashbox's "Industry Soiree" (3/26/09)

I apologized about the photos. I left my camera in my office so my iPhone will have to do. The place was packed and I had a chance to meet many folks such as Beate from Photo Secrets blog and a chance to catch up with some old friends I haven't seen in a while like TJ Crume who runs Sync Productions. I also had a chance to put a lot of faces to the Facebook names.

I talk to the gal who threw all this together and was informed that Smashbox plans to do this as a monthly event so will update y'all when I get more info.

Good times were had by all :)

Kitty Needs a Home !

This sweet kitty needs a home. She has been living outside the Montage offices at Smashbox West Hollywood for a few weeks. She is VERY friendly and purr’s when visitors walk by. She needs a loving home. If you are interested please stop by to meet her and I’m sure you’ll want to take her home.....

Awwww, this kitty is so cute .... I ask Trisha if she wouldn't mind if I reposted this and she agreed. So for anyone out there in Los Angeles who has room and heart for a cutie kitty, call Trisha @ 408-691-3487 / email trismac@yahoo.com

MOPLA "6 Photography Exhibits" 4/7/09

Okay, back to MOPLA ... and don't forget the Palm Springs Photo Fest and Photo Fest 09 @ Long Beach are coming up to ! On April 7th at the Pacific Design Center (or the big blue whale) from 6-9 will be the reception of not just ONE show but SIX shows !

Tim Mantoani, Behind Photographs (April 7, Pacific Design Center, Room B210, 6-9PM)

Shooting 20x24 Polaroids of famous photographers as they hold their most iconic pictures, this interesting layered concept both juxtaposes and celebrates the creation and its creator. It is a rare chance for the viewer to be influenced by the original photograph, the interpretation of the artist himself as well as the combination of these elements forming the final photography itself. These photographs tell a story completely unique in is multifaceted layers and is a visual and mental pleasure for its appreciators. Tim Mantoani photographed over 150 individuals and MOPLA will be showcasing a specific sampling of this tremendous project. Our version of the Behind Photographs will feature master shooters such as Julius Shulman, David Hume Kennerly, Douglas Kirkland and many others based in Los Angeles. Tim will attend the reception.

Photo District News, Emerging 30 Show (April 7, Pacific Design Center, Room B222, 6-9PM)

Photo District News published their annual March issue that features the tenth class of 30 new and emerging photographers. PDN states their three goals for 'PDN's 2009: 30' is, "To provide emerging artists with a sorely needed venue to exhibit their images, to create a reliable resource for the photo community to seek out these talents, and to engage other aspiring photographers in thinking about what it takes to succeed in this profession."

S (April 7, Pacific Design Center, Room B257, 6-9PM)

GHOST NOTES, according to photographer B+, "is a "photo-album" that both documents and critiques music in its relation to the world. He continues, "Vinyl culture at the beginning of the new millennium is peculiarly positioned between being completely obsolete and forming the template for "the most important North American music since be-bop ----hip hop." Hip-hop music is the meta-history of recorded music turned on its head and his images reflect that movement. (personal note : B+ is a legend in the hip hop/photography scene here in LA since the early 90s, never had the pleasure of meeting him)

Mark Edward Harris, The AXIS OF EVIL (Inside North Korea, Inside Iran) (April 7, Pacific Design Center, Room B222, 6-9PM)

Mark Edward Harris, whose photo essays, "are driven by a fascination with history and international politics", create a visual portal into the culture and landscape of specifically, Iran and North Korea. Harris says, "I consider myself a student of history and incredibly fortunate to get up close and personal to the places that are in the news today and the history books tomorrow." This exhibit will honor and expose the honest and exquisite nature of these places and people we rarely have the chance to see in this light. Mark plans to be in attendance. (Saw his photos at the Slideluck Pot Show a while back, can't wait to see the actual prints !)

Jim McHugh, Remarkable: Places + Faces (April 7,Pacific Design Center, Room B208, 6-9PM)

Known for his recent Polaroid images of Los Angeles, Jim McHugh has been photographing common things in an uncommon manner for over thirty years. This collection of his work spans Europe, Asia as well as America and reflects the varied and changing threads of the photographer's ever altering life. This year his "Las Palmas Hotel- Hollywood" was acquired by the George Eastman House for their permanent collection in Rochester, N.Y.

John Delaney, GOLDEN EAGLE HUNTERS of MONGOLIA (April 7, Pacific Design Center, Room B222, 6-9PM)

After spending over 15 years as Master Printer working closely with such eminent photographers such as Bruce Davidson, Richard Avedon, Patrick Demarchelier, Steven Klein, Annie Leibovitz and Irving Penn, John Delaney's series "The Golden Eagle Hunters of Mongolia" has garnered him the prestigious International Photography Awards 2008 Discovery of the Year. This show follows his successful exhibit at the Farmani Gallery in NYC.

Gonna be a fun night :)

Blender magazine folded ?

APA NY has just retweet from Blender photo editor Chris Ehrmann that Blender magazine has folded. Since it is APA NY tweeting this I tend to believe them.

PDN just confirmed that Blender indeed has gone under.

What Photo Editors Want ?

Oops, forgot about this video. I was to post it yesterday but slip my mind. Well, a while back PhotoShelter had their survey of what photo editors want. This runs a little over a hour so if you got time to kill. If not, check my past post for the PDF link and just download and read away.

Tips from an Emerging Photographer Grant Winner

I read with interest Sean Gallagher interview in today's Resolve blog entry (Resolve is LiveBook's blog). As you know, the Emerging Photographer Grant deadline is April 1st. Didn't know that ? Check out our event calendar - I also add deadlines so you can see what grants/competitions are coming up fast. And speaking of competition tonight, APA/LA is having a seminar about just that over in Culver City.

Anyways, I decided to point out a few quotes :

On presenting my portfolio to him, I distinctly remember him being very critical of it and barely liking any pictures. It ended up being the most valuable workshop I have taken. Getting an honest, critical opinion really spurred me on, as well as David’s encouragement to approach photography in our own way. After that I was then independently selected for the one-year paid internship program at Magnum, in their London office — another invaluable experience.

The grant has been incredibly important to me, especially at this point in my career. There are so many great photographers, both established and emerging, all competing for work. The grant allowed me to free myself from that competition for a while and just focus on shooting.

Read the rest here.

“Personal work is really, really important...."

Kat Dalager, Head of Print Production, Campbell Mithun.

Oh, speaking of personal work, yesterday I posted some quotes from An Art Producer's Perspective blog. I checked the site again this morning and realized there was an addition to the post which fits right in with this post today.

Make it real and make it your own (your images should speak to who you are as an artist). And by real I don't mean lifestyle or "slice of life" situations, I mean real as in the feel of the image.

Just like with some bad reality TV shows, the audience can tell when someone is fake or coming across too contrived. If your imagery is too propped or too staged it doesn't feel real and can drive people away. Art buyers will go to the stock sites if they want that feel. No offense but the typical image of the growl face with hands in the hair has been done so much that it turns me away from a portfolio.

Video found via A Photo Editor

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Random Tweet

Photos of the Annenberg Space for Photography

I missed this little news that happened. This is from LA Curbed's post dated March 16th

Two weekends ago, there was a little scuffle when the guards at the 2000 Avenue of the Stars building said that no photos could be taken of the new Annenberg Center for Photography because of security issues. There's an update: "What the guard should have said is, "Can I help you?" Cindy Giordano, senior director of marketing at CB Richard Ellis, who helps manage the property, tells us.

And if you go back further to March 11th

It's very difficult to photograph the new Annenberg Center for Photography. That's the side view. If you show up with a camera, the CAA guards chase you off, saying you're not allowed to photograph anything on CAA property, even though the building is actually on the site of former site of the Shubert Theater, which maybe is technically on CAA property? Who knows. What a headache Century City is. The center formally opens in a few weeks. More photos will follow next week.

In any case, Evil Monito (I remember this site from 2000, can't believe it is still around !) has some great photos from the inside. Looks like there was some event that happen Monday (the entry posted 3/24 9 am)

Two bottom photos by : Caleb, two top photo by Dakota

APA LA + Omnicon 4/2/09

Just got an email from Anthony Nex, chair of the APA-LA about a meeting next Thursday April 2nd at Helms Daylight Studio 7 pm for the LA photography community to discuss the Omnicon situation. This is a free event and we need to get photographers together to discuss this matter.

"We've lined up a really heavyweight panel (Jill Greenberg, Glen Wexler, Tricia Burlingham, and others) and the event will be free to all."

Jill & Glen are both photographers, Tricia is a LA photo rep. More details as it comes, this page will be updated.

UPDATE (3/26) APA/LA has the event up on their calendar here. Janet Botaish, syndication agent also added. Debra Weiss will be moderating.

April 2, 2009 7 pm

Helms DayLight Studio
3221 Hutchison Ave.
Los Angeles CA 90034

*Parking is Located on the North Side of Venice Ave and Helms


Creativity Online also touched on this subject :

"How can an ad agency go to a client and demand that they pay them up front and then stick this to us?" asks one head of a high-profile production company. "I didn't realize we were also in the banking business. When no one can finance anything, they're asking us to do it."

Acting as financiers as well as managing production is untenable, the production head says. "No one has that wherewithal. You'd need a fund of 100 million bucks. Why are we financing corporate America? It makes no sense. We're the low people on the totem pole rendering a creative service. It's like Warner Brothers asking a director to finance a $100 million film and then they'll pay them later."

Wednesday Briefs

+ Canon introduces today the new Rebel T1i which boost 15 MP and HD video capabilities ! And for under $800. May shipping date.

+ Pentax Japan to stop producing 67II and 645n. It doesn't really affect us here as they stop production to the rest of the world some time ago but looks like it'll be the end of an era for the 67II. I like to call it the monster SLR.

+ An Art Producer (artproducer.blogspot.com) talks about what art buyers look for

To be completely and utterly honest you have to have great imagery. With all the competition out there, if your work is considered run of the mill or does not stand out from the pack (so to say) it won't get called in. I know this may sound harsh but it's the reality just like if an ad agency goes after a client and their brand book does not have stand out items or campaigns, the client passes on to the next "competitor".

I'm always interested in seeing something visually arresting... whether it's a lighting technique, an angle, the talent chosen, off the cuff set ups, etc. If what you're presenting is flat or looks (pardon the expression) "too pedestrian", there's a good chance you're work may get passed over.

Wait, what if they wanted the pedestrian work for the ad ?

+ John Harrington (photobusinessforum.blogspot.com) reports that C-Registry is not all that it seems. Good looking out John !

+ International Center for Photography announces the list of recipients of its 2009 Infinity Awards - Annie, Letizia Battaglia, Gayle G. Greenhill, Lieko Shiga, Aveek Sen, Aglaia Konrad, Rinko Kawauchi, Geert van Kesteren and Tim Walker

+ Tomorrow, Hiroshi Watanabe will kick off the Four Evenings with Fine Art Photographers put together by Aline Smithson. The talk is over at A&I Santa Monica and tickets can be purchased online or at the door. $20 general / $10 Students (Art Center, Brooks and SMC only). Bonus, I found a Hiroshi Watanabe audio interview here. 3/26/09 7-8:30 pm

+ Also tomorrow, APA's seminar on Awards & Competition and Smashbox's Industry Soiree. Details in the event calender. And tonight is the grand gala over at Annenberg Space for Photography. Tried looking on CL and Ebay for scalped tickets :) (j/k)

+ Just got an email from Chris Haston, staff photographer for NBC. His images will be part of the "Heroes for Autism" art show at The Avalon on April 19th. heroesforautism.com. Will touch back about it in April.

+ Another call for entry ! This time, Foam Magazine Call for Talen 2009. Deadline May 17th.

+ Non photo related but there was a pipe bomb hoax scare at The Pershing Square station of the subway line this morning. Also the LA City Council to "explore" Twitter.

Touché - JC Dhien + Charlie Sputnik 3/26 @ Standard Hollywood

Over at the Standard Hollywood tomorrow night from 10 pm-2am you'll get a chance to see photographer, JC Dhien's work and with musician Charlie Sputnik. The email I got says :

This event brings together two special artists: a musician, Charlie Sputnik, and a photographer, JC Dhien. Charlie will mix his best music while Jean-Claude “VJ’s” his photos on the wall of the Purple Lounge Standard Hollywood…

JC will "VJ" ? Is he going to stand there with multiple images and holds up whatever image he likes ? Is it a projector where JC will pick the image to his choosing ? Well, I suppose to find out, you'll have to go down to the Standard tomorrow night and see !

I recognized JC's name and after a quick look through his website, realized it was from many magazines I've seen over the years such as GQ. I like how he incorporate his tears into his galleries. Though much of his portraits are more of the shiny Hollywood-ish variety, I like his documentary stuff he did on Rikers Island prision...just wish there was more to the series than just 5 images.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Random Tweet

Photowalk LA

Found this over on Twitter :

Come join us for our very first Photowalk L.A. in downtown!

Do you love photography, but wish you had more people to chat about it with? This is your opportunity! This photowalk is open to people of all skill levels and users of all camera types (i.e. point and shoot, SLR, DLSR, etc.) Come ask question and/or share your expertise with people who share a similar passion for taking photos.

Date: Saturday, March 28th, 2009
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Meet Location: Pershing Square


Name Your Dream Assignment

I'm late on this one. The contest open March 3rd and ends April 3rd. So basically it boils down to naming your dream photo assignment ($50,000 worth) and getting folks to vote for your idea. Currently #1 with 725 votes is Michelle's "Insulin Is Not A Cure (For Children With Type 1 Diabetes)"

I took a look through the other ones - there's one "The Dream Give-away: 50 States, 50 Days, $50,000 Donated" which I like. 50 states in 50 days to volunteer at a local non-profit group, give away $1,000 and to document the process.

If you like to enter, you have 11 days to get over 725 votes to knock Michelle off #1.


Random Tweet

(TEN) Chloe Aftel

I asked Chloe Aftel, one of the selected PDN 30, ten things that inspires her.

1. Mistakes-I have a hard time when I take a bad shot, especially with polaroid film, but I learn a lot from an idea that doesn't work. I think taking chances and experimenting with ways of shooting is important and many of the images I love best are borne out of mistakes.

2. Trolling the web-I visit a lot of award sites and blogs to find new work. Each week means new people and images to admire. The web has made so many more influences readily accessible. I love it.

3. Movies-Just a few: Ladies and Gentlemen the Fabulous Stains, The Last Laugh, Clockwork Orange, The Portrait of a Lady, Mulholland Dr., Love and Death, T2, etc.

4. Italian Vogue-Even when the spreads don't work, they are inspiring; that magazine is the greatest.

5. Friends-I love shooting friends, it's easy because they're already there, they'll pretty much do whatever you want and imagistically they always feel more genuine.

6. Graphic Novels-For good sets, really inventive angles, exciting costume designs and learning more about creating other worlds, I read a lot of graphic novels or comics or whatever you want to call them. Y the Last Man, Lilli Carre's books, DMZ, Watchmen, Mother Come Home, Fantagraphics collections, etc.

7. Travel-Even if it's an hour drive away, going to somewhere new and finding something worth shooting. Visiting old buildings is also ideal, you can often sneak someone in for a quick shot.

8. Shooting at Night-I love anything with low light, that can stay still long enough to get the allure of life in the dark.

9. Expired Film-Any film past it's date, up to 3-4 years is awesome. You never know what you're going to get but it is always unique. You can get it at garage sales, from friends, where ever. Leave in the trunk of your card, bury it, whatever, the most stressful environments, the better.

10. Joseph Cornell-They are my ideal references for any kind of story: fashion, portrait and they help me see a new way to present a story in a single frame.


Monday, March 23, 2009

"Jeunes Talents" @ Louis Stern Fine Arts 3/27

(Amanda Keller)

This Friday over at Louis Stern Fine Arts is the opening of "Jeunes Talents" translated as "Young Talents". Eight college students from the United States (including Art Center, Otis and Cal Arts) were flown to France to capture in photographs, their views of French culture. Their work will be shown in galleries and used by France's national tourist office, Maison de la France. What a great opportunity for photo students !

The local photographers are Spencer Lowell Mishlen (Art Center), Justine Maccario (Art Center), Allie Bogle Hwang (Cal Arts), Amanda Keller Konya (Cal Arts), Alejandro Sanchez (Cal Arts), Tasha Moore (Otis)

“Jeunes Talents is a unique opportunity to open the boundaries of art, creativity and cultural exchange,” states Yann Perreau, Deputy Cultural Attaché, Los Angeles. “Take eight talented young American photographers. Put them in an unknown environment, such as a French city with its own traditions and culture. Add key actors in the contemporary photography art scene, such as top art colleges in the U.S., and mix this with a famous gallery known for challenging photography, such as Louis Stern Fine Arts. The result is one of the most exciting, inventive and challenging art concepts to date. Cultural Services of the French Embassy is proud to be part of this project along with its partners.”

There's a VIP / press reception on Thursday night and open to the public on Friday.

After looking through the galleries, my favorites are from Alejandro Sanchez, Gillian Dicker and Justine Maccario. Justine has an interesting use of wide-angle that is jarring at times but I like how she traverse the nightlife. A quick congratulations to all the photographers, I'll definitely will be going by later this weekend to check it out.

Check out the works here. By the way, it is kinda tricky. One gallery you'll see selects and another you'll find a much larger collection from the same person. I'm not even sure how I managed to get from one to the other.

Louis Stern Fine Arts
9002 Melrose Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90069
(310) 276-0147

For further information on Jeunes Talents, please call (310) 235 3242 or visit www.franceguide.com/jeunestalents

Not photo-related but couldn't help but buy this iPhone app.

Monday Briefs

+ Annenberg Space for Photography opens this week. Wednesday (3/25) is the opening premiere gala. Then on Thursday (3/26), W Magazine is hosting an opening party there "with Wallis Annenberg giving opening remarks, and a meet and greet with the exhibited photographers" and finally open to the public on Friday (3/27). Their first exhibit “L8S ANG3LES" featuring images from eight Los Angeles photographer : John Baldessari, Catherine Opie, Greg Gorman, Douglas Kirkland, Tim Street-Porter, Julius Schulman, Lauren Greenfield and Carolyn Cole. The show will also feature three L.A. Times staff photographers who document life in L.A.: Lawrence Ho, Genaro Molina, and Kirk McKoy.

+ Layoffs to come for OC Register as they report on themselves. “As we near the end of a very challenging first quarter of 2009, it’s clear we must take even more aggressive actions to balance spending with the revenues we are generating.”

+ List of deadlines for grants/reviews that happen to be this Friday (3/27/09) : Humble Arts Foundation "Grant for Emerging Photographers" / Fresh Fair "A Juried photo portfolio review" / CPW "Photography Now 2009"

+ Remember Screaming Broccoli's new stages ? Looks like they'll be hosting this year's Fresh Photo Fair in April. Oh, if you like to exhibit your work, all the info is here. Three day photo fair, part of MOPLA

+ LA Observed covering the LA Times layoffs today. Latest to the ax : Steve Hymon.

UPDATE (3/24) LA Times photographer Lori Shepler and LAT photo editor Tracy Silveria have been axed also.

+ ID08 "International Design Awards" gala this Wed (3/25/) 7-9:30 over at Harmony Gold Theatre. Tix $50 but if you are AIGA member, it is free. INFO

Pirkle Jones (1914-2009)

"I think that Pirkle Jones is an artist in the best sense of the word," (Ansel) Adams once said. "His statement is sound and resonant of the external world as well as of the internal responses and evaluations of his personality."

Noted San Francisco photographer Pirkle Jones passed on last Sunday of heart failure. After WWII, he took courses at the California School of Fine Arts where he met other students and instructors such as Ansel Adams, Minor White, Dorothea Lange anfdEdward Weston.

Pirkle worked as Adam's assistant from '47 to '53 and later on worked on his series "Death of a Valley" and on the Black Panthers.

“I’ve always thought of my career as a bridge between the classic photography of Ansel Adams and the documentary work of Dorothea Lange,” he told Art & Antiques last year.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

List of Digital Retouchers

LAST UPDATE : 8/28/09

Andrew Kavanagh 310-866-9450 www.andrewkavanagh.com/Retouching
Arend Anton 818.235.4707 www.arendanton.com
Bridge, 323-934-5555 The www.thebridgeco.com
Danklife www.danklife.com
Dennis Dunbar 310-463-1677 www.dunbardigital.com
Digital Fusion 310-253-9008 www.digitalfusion.net
Image Mechanic 323-461-7084 www.imagemechanics.com
Sherri Johnson 847-338-8538 www.sherrijphotography.com
Tamar Levine 310-804-6983 www.tamarlevine.com/retouching
Roy A. Cui 323-309-9679 www.eyeconartist.com

Okay folks, I'm starting a new section for digital retouchers. So If you happen to be one and like to be listed, just email pixfeed AT gmail.com with your name, website and contact info. Thanks !

MOPLA 2009

April is gonna be crowded with MOPLA events so I'm setting this page up as main page where links to posts on MOPLA will be on. I also put a link on the left-hand side under Los Angeles Photo Event for easy reference so you don't have to dig through the whole site for info. These will be updated through the month of April.

So what is MOPLA ? It's a month long celebration of photography in the City of Angels with events, lectures and so forth held all over the city to inspire and engage photographers.

+ MOPLA Opening Nite here
+ MOPLA Fresh Fair here
+ MOPLA Lectures here
+ MOPLA Collector's Lectures here
+ MOPLA 6 Photography Exhibits here
+ MOPLA Lectures & Workshops here
+ GroupLA 2008 "An Intimate View of Los Angeles" here
+ Markus Klinko & Indrani's "Icons" exhibit here
+ Susan Burnstine "Within Shadows" here
+ MOPLA Lecture Updates here
+ MOPLA Closing Night Celebration here

MOPLA 2009
MOPLA 2009 Calendar

By the way, there's no way I can cover everything for that month so I'm only posting on selected events. I urge folks to check out the MOPLA calendar and discover what is out there.

Last updated : 4/29/09

MOPLA 2009 : Collector's Series

Thought about collecting photography ? Well, MOPLA has a 4-part series towards the end of April focusing on that.

Collectors Series, Part 1 - Photo Collecting and Donating to Museums

Thursday April 16, 2009, 7PM (at Helms Daylight Studio, 3221 Hutchison Avenue, Culver City)

Panelists include: Judith Keller, Curator, The Getty Center; Michael Whalen, estate attorney; Christine Steiner, art attorney; David Knaus, collector; Dale Stulz, appraiser

As the rapidly exploding trends of collecting photography and donating to museums continue to boom, so do the requirements, details, and legal complications. Our panel of experts will discuss the Dos and Don'ts of developing relationships with museums, and the legal concerns involved with acquisitions, value and patronage.

Collectors Series, Part 2 - Photography Book Collecting

Tuesday April 21, 2009, 7PM (at Helms Daylight Studio, 3221 Hutchison Avenue, Culver City)

Panelists include: Michael Dawson, gallerist, book store owner and collector; Jeff Dunas, photographer and collector; Manfred Heiting, publisher and collector; Jonathan Schilder Brown, collector and dealer

Photography book collecting has acquired a cachet equal to that of photo collecting. Please come and learn about the latest rage in books and monographs; what's hot and what's not; what to look for in new and vintage publications; and where and when is the best time to shop. Our panel features the most informed local and international experts

Collectors Series, Part 3 - Young Collecting Young: A Conversation on Beginning Collecting

Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 7PM (at Paul Kopekian Gallery, 8810 Melrose Ave.)

Panelists include: Shelley DeSoto, gallerist, Paul Kopekin, gallerist; Leslie Rubinoff, collector

The interest in collecting can begin at any time, but how and where do you start? Often the art will find you, but once you have the bug, where is the best place to go for affordable and collectible art work? The tremendous selection of galleries, dealers, fairs, and even swap meets, offer beginning collectors a wealth of opportunities. Come and listen as our panelists discuss the relevant themes and information you need to begin building a prized collection.

Collectors Series, Part 4 - Cataloging and Managing Your Collection

Thursday April 23, 2009, 7PM (at Helms Daylight Studio, 3221 Hutchison Avenue, Culver City)

Panelists include: Mark McKenna, the Herb Ritts Foundation; Christina Owen, independent archivist; Michael Tuttle, Library Services

As your photo collection and photo book collection grows, so does your need for the proper way to locate, archive, store and insure your holdings. Our panelists will discuss the fine points of keeping your collection safe and organized, and all the information you need to know to insure its value.

All these are FREE to the public. Just RSVP to collectors (number) @monthofphotography.com. So if you like to attend the first and forth lecture, you will need to send individual emails to collectors1@monthofphotography.com and collectors4@monthofphotography.com.

If you just want to attend the 2nd lecture, then collectors2@monthofphotography.com

Got it ? Coolio.

MOPLA 2009 : Opening Nite 4/4/09

So looks like April 4th will be the opening ceremony for the first ever Month of Photography Los Angeles kicking off at Frank Pictures Gallery at Bergamot Station @ Santa Monica.

Pro'jekt LA - Dark Side
Part 1 of Pro'jekt LA Series
Dark Side: The Anatomy and Topography of Los Angeles at Night with projected photographs by Amanda Friedman, Felipe Dupouy and Helen K. Garber.


Industry Soiree 3/26/09 Clafoutis + Smashbox

From the email :

Join Clafoutis + Smashbox Studios for drinks, hors d'oeuvres + conversation

Thursday March 26th 7 pm - 9 pm
Drinks sponsored by Pama Liquor (does this mean open bar ?)
Appetizers provided by Clafoutis

First 50 attendees receive a gift bag. Bring your business card for the raffle.

8630 Sunset Blvd
West Hollywood CA 90069
Free Parking in the Back

Couldn't find a website but found Yelp instead.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Random Tweets

PIX CLICKS : 56th Annual Pro Photo Expo

So some quick notes. Recognized a lot of companies there : Samy's, Silvio's (from South Bay), Mel Pierce, Profoto, Sekonic, Speedotron, Quantum, Tamron, Lowepro, Canon, Kodak, Asuka, Brooks College and even the New York Times was there to sell subscriptions !

The booths were either software, camera equipment, book makers, painted backdrops, frames, and even some photographers got their own booth (though not sure why)

I think it was worth for me to check out the book makers as I'm still considering books as promo pieces but many of the books were focused more on a different market. The ones I saw were more of the senior book or wedding book - really nicely done leather books while I was more curious in the leave-behinds for photo editors. There I had a chance to touch the paper and check out the books. There were also plentiful of backdrops/backgrounds vendors. Saw great many fabrics there.

I got there at just the right time, the line were much shorter. The folks who register me in told me at 11 am, the line was pretty much out the door. Reps I spoke to mention they were slammed in the first few hours. So if you plan on going down to the trade show tomorrow, go around 1 pm and remember that the Pasadena Marathon is going on at the same time so make extra time.

Get a free trade show pass here Trade show open tomorrow 11am-4 pm and Monday 10:30am-2:30 pm.

Screaming Broccoli does stage rentals now !

Yup, looks like Screaming is growing up....I remember them as a young pup so many years ago (...actually, one of the guys who run Screaming, worked at PIX as the rental manager back in the 90s ).

Now they have two stages over near La Cienega / Jefferson. Two stages, one 10,611 ft, another 3,000+ ft with Hair + Make Up, wardrobe,green room, production, etc and etc. Check their site for specs.


PIX CLICKS : Circe @ Little Bar

Okay folks, this one is more PIX-oriented. If you've come in and rented from PIX in the past year, you probably met Circe over in the rental dept. Well, Circe left us to move to Colorado last year but she happen to be back in town on a gig for a week and tonight (Friday night) is her last night here so past and present PIX folks came together to have a toast with her at Little Bar over on La Brea, just south of Wilshire.

If you're a regular customer of PIX you'll recognized some faces that aren't at PIX anymore - Sam and Richard who graced us with their presence. Yup, once you join PIX, you're pretty much in it for life ! (We're gonna have to get tats just like the OTMFC boys)

Have a safe trip back to CO, Circe !

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday Briefs

+ Two shows closing this weekend : over at Louis Stern, Lucien Clergue – the Intimate Picasso and over at Duncan Miller, Group f.64 show.

Group f.64 was an association organized in 1932 by a group of eleven photographers: Ansel Adams, Imogen Cunningham, Edward Weston, John Paul Edwards, Sonya Noskowiak, Henry Swift, Willard Van Dyke, Consuelo Kanaga, Alma Lavenson, Preston Holder and Brett Weston. One of the finest collections of f.64 work has been assembled for an exhibition at Duncan Miller Gallery.

+ If you happen to be over in Santa Monica tonight (3/20), stop by the Carousel at The Pier. LALOP (Los Angeles League of Photographers) are having reception for "Santa Monica Pier Centennial Exhibition" from 6:30-8:30 pm LALOP

+ If you happen to be over at Echo Park on Saturday night, there's a group show over at Bandit Gallery exhibiting the work of From Here to There, a Los Angeles collective working in photography, collage, installation and video. 6-9 pm (3/21/09)

+ Julia Dean in Venice is having an open house and opening this Saturday (3/21). From 1-4 pm, get a chance to meet instructors and find out what Julia Dean offers, gets your grub on with some refreshments and food and discounts if you signed up for courses that day ! Then that night from 5-8 pm, there's the opening reception for "Dirty Pretty", a group photo show. By the way, Aline Smithson, a Julia Dean instructor will be there all day at the open house as well as also having her work in "Dirty Pretty" and she gets props today from Exposure/Compensation blog.

+ If you're not into Venice scene, then check out the Miracle Mile Art Walk this Saturday (3/21) where 40 art galleries and museums have their doors open. 1-6pm with afterparty over at Voila! Gallery on La Brea till 8:30. INFO

+ And the trade show floor is open this weekend over at the Pasadena Convention Center for 56th Pro Photo Expo. Free pass here.

+ Sunday, wedding/portrait workshop at NOHO studios in the valley. I wrote about this yesterday.

Did I miss any events ? Comment below then !

ADDITION : Over at The Perfect Exposure Gallery on 6th St, Gabriel Bouys, senior chief photographer for Agence France Presse will be speaking at 2 pm Saturday.

USA : Character Project

Back in early March, I mention Bravo ordering up a new series called "Double Exposure" (working title) with Markus Klinko and Indrani and now I find out that back in summer of 2008, USA network send out 11 photographers to photograph America from Alaska to New York to all points in between. The images will be put into a book and traveling exhibition show (which hits LA May 15-16). Currently the book is already on sale. I thought this was to be broadcast but can't seem to find any info on it, Guess I assumed if USA is doing it, there'll be a tv series.

I'm a bit giddy by this because this of the photographer's I admired are in this book and can't wait for the exhibit (especially Eric McNatt who went back to Texas for his project. Yup, Texas, my home country)

Dawoud Bey / Anna Mia Davidson / Jeff Dunas / David Eustace / Joe Fornabaio / Mary Ellen Mark / Eric McNatt / Eric Ogden / Sylvia Plachy / Richard Renaldi / Marla Rutherford

Read about the photographers, see their images and watch their videos at The Character Project

Twitter Nation

Okay, the is probably the latest craze for the A.D.D generation, the whole Twitter nation. This morning, while reading the news, I come upon this - the Chicago Tribune now has "twitterized" their masthead...or is it "tweetified" or whatever ! Then I read this on CNET that "Twitter's growing really, really, really, really fast". According to the article, Twitter has grown 1,382 % from Feb '08 to Feb'09 (Facebook is only 228%) ! Dang ! And....Facebook's new look is very twitter-ish.

Twitter is basically IM for the masses. You broadcast out 140 bytes so it's quick bits of info. People who follow you have your tweets in their main page feed. This is great for organizations and individuals who have a strong brand already. Not so good for average ordinary folks unless your followers are your friends...then in that case, it acts more like a stripped down Facebook where you can keep track of them.

For PIX, it is a no-brainer. Extend the brand and bring local news to the masses All I tweet about is what show is coming up tonight or what seminar is this weekend. Pretty much everything is Los Angeles photo scene-related. (or LA-related..I did tweet about Burbank and Downtown closures due to Obama yesterday)

So far PIX Twitter is following 195 folks and being followed by 173. Who am I following ? ASMP, Magnum, Getty Editorial, AIGA National, Slideluck Pot Show, Resource Magazine, Dripbook, Powerbook, ASMP NY, Workbook, B&H, PhotoShelter, A Photo Editor, LACMA, APA NY, Getty Museum, Kodak, PDN to name a few.

Why am I following them ? Mostly for news, these are organization that in most cases "tweet" either links back to their site or link to interesting items related to photography. It keeps me up with what's going on.

And of course, y'all can follow my tweets at twitter.com/pixinc