Friday, March 20, 2009

Twitter Nation

Okay, the is probably the latest craze for the A.D.D generation, the whole Twitter nation. This morning, while reading the news, I come upon this - the Chicago Tribune now has "twitterized" their masthead...or is it "tweetified" or whatever ! Then I read this on CNET that "Twitter's growing really, really, really, really fast". According to the article, Twitter has grown 1,382 % from Feb '08 to Feb'09 (Facebook is only 228%) ! Dang ! And....Facebook's new look is very twitter-ish.

Twitter is basically IM for the masses. You broadcast out 140 bytes so it's quick bits of info. People who follow you have your tweets in their main page feed. This is great for organizations and individuals who have a strong brand already. Not so good for average ordinary folks unless your followers are your friends...then in that case, it acts more like a stripped down Facebook where you can keep track of them.

For PIX, it is a no-brainer. Extend the brand and bring local news to the masses All I tweet about is what show is coming up tonight or what seminar is this weekend. Pretty much everything is Los Angeles photo scene-related. (or LA-related..I did tweet about Burbank and Downtown closures due to Obama yesterday)

So far PIX Twitter is following 195 folks and being followed by 173. Who am I following ? ASMP, Magnum, Getty Editorial, AIGA National, Slideluck Pot Show, Resource Magazine, Dripbook, Powerbook, ASMP NY, Workbook, B&H, PhotoShelter, A Photo Editor, LACMA, APA NY, Getty Museum, Kodak, PDN to name a few.

Why am I following them ? Mostly for news, these are organization that in most cases "tweet" either links back to their site or link to interesting items related to photography. It keeps me up with what's going on.

And of course, y'all can follow my tweets at

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