Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tips from an Emerging Photographer Grant Winner

I read with interest Sean Gallagher interview in today's Resolve blog entry (Resolve is LiveBook's blog). As you know, the Emerging Photographer Grant deadline is April 1st. Didn't know that ? Check out our event calendar - I also add deadlines so you can see what grants/competitions are coming up fast. And speaking of competition tonight, APA/LA is having a seminar about just that over in Culver City.

Anyways, I decided to point out a few quotes :

On presenting my portfolio to him, I distinctly remember him being very critical of it and barely liking any pictures. It ended up being the most valuable workshop I have taken. Getting an honest, critical opinion really spurred me on, as well as David’s encouragement to approach photography in our own way. After that I was then independently selected for the one-year paid internship program at Magnum, in their London office — another invaluable experience.

The grant has been incredibly important to me, especially at this point in my career. There are so many great photographers, both established and emerging, all competing for work. The grant allowed me to free myself from that competition for a while and just focus on shooting.

Read the rest here.

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