Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Photos of the Annenberg Space for Photography

I missed this little news that happened. This is from LA Curbed's post dated March 16th

Two weekends ago, there was a little scuffle when the guards at the 2000 Avenue of the Stars building said that no photos could be taken of the new Annenberg Center for Photography because of security issues. There's an update: "What the guard should have said is, "Can I help you?" Cindy Giordano, senior director of marketing at CB Richard Ellis, who helps manage the property, tells us.

And if you go back further to March 11th

It's very difficult to photograph the new Annenberg Center for Photography. That's the side view. If you show up with a camera, the CAA guards chase you off, saying you're not allowed to photograph anything on CAA property, even though the building is actually on the site of former site of the Shubert Theater, which maybe is technically on CAA property? Who knows. What a headache Century City is. The center formally opens in a few weeks. More photos will follow next week.

In any case, Evil Monito (I remember this site from 2000, can't believe it is still around !) has some great photos from the inside. Looks like there was some event that happen Monday (the entry posted 3/24 9 am)

Two bottom photos by : Caleb, two top photo by Dakota

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