Wednesday, March 4, 2009

SEO + keywords + what ?

Photographer Websites: SEO and Why it Matters from on Vimeo.

My brain gets numb from hearing about SEO and search engines and keywords and whatever else is out there. I take pictures..I rather not be in front of a computer...heck, I try not to spend too much time on Photoshop ! Agh, too late...Anyways, I always say, I'm not building my site for just everybody, but a select audience and I'm sure a lot of photographers say the same thing. Well, I guess I've been in the basement for a while but watching this webeminar video from PhotoShelter I see how this can help a lot of photographers. The video runs about 45 minutes long and I'll run through some markers here :

13:07 Google Analytics
22:17 Keywords
27:09 SEO vs user experience
30:20 Flash/Html
35:21 Photoshelter-specific features
37:24 What to use your blog for
41:20 Flash/Html optimized
43:19 PhotoShelter specific features

Now I disagree with some of the things Allen spoke about but then again, the perspective really depends on you and what type of photography you do. He does bring up some key points and makes excellent examples. I've intrigued enough to start researching it bit more and figuring out how I can use this information to help with my marketing.

Anyways, if you have 45 minutes to spare, Allen brings up some good points in the video.

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